This Repository contains a robot manipulator from scratch.
- Added the package in catkin_ ws with a package name arm_a
catkin_create_pkg arm_a roscpp rospy urdf
- Added a folder named urdf
- Added arm.xacro (xacro is xml macro)
- Adding the links in xacro file
- started with the base link
- visual part contains collision, roll-pitch-yaw, inertia
- Added the xacro file.
- Added description of base link and link 1 along with there joints.
- Joints appear in the middle of links.
- Added a rviz launch file.
catkin build
roslaunch arm_a arm_rviz.launch
- Refer to the Video 1.
- Saved the rviz configs in the launch folder as config.rviz
- For showing the saved rviz config during roslaunch we have to add some lines in ros launch file
<node name="rviz" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" args=" -d $(find arm_a)/launch/config.rviz"/>
- After that :
roslaunch arm_a arm_rviz.launch
- Added a xacro macro file named link_joint.xacro
- This file contains the links and joint definition as a function
- In arm_b.xacro we are just calling those function from the link_joint.xacro file and using them.
- Need to include this file in arm_b.xacro
<xacro:include filename = "$(find arm_a)/urdf/link_joint.xacro" />
- Made the file name change in the launch file.
- After that :
roslaunch arm_a arm_rviz.launch
- Refer to the Video 2.
- Added a file named robot_parameters.xacro.
- this file contains the name of the links and joints as parameters.
- used "${link_name}" to get the link name from the xacro file.
- So if we need to change the name or the parameters we have to that in that specific file only.
- Added the intertia and collision parameters in the xacro file
- inertia and collision properties depend on the robot model we are making.
- After that added a spawn.launch file to launch gazebo simulation.
- After that :
roslaunch arm_a spawn.launch
rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo
- Refer to Image 2.
- The links have fallen down because stil there is no controller initialized.
- Kept only 3 links and 2 joints to apply controller.
- Added an allias in .bashrc and source .bashrc to kill th previous gzclient and gzserver since the model was not updating.
alias killg='killall gzclient && killall gzserver && killall rosmaster'
- Added transmission in arm_b.xacro file for the joints to implement controllers.
- Made changes in the dependencies in CMakeLists.txt and package.xml
- Added dependencies of joint state publisher, robot state publisher, controller manager.
- Made changes in the spawn.launch file to include controller_manager
- Encapsulated launch file inside a group tag.
- Added joints.yaml in the config folder
- joints.yaml contains the controller properties and names.
- Added a gazebo plugin in arm_b.xacro file named gazebo_ros_control.
- After that :
rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo
roslaunch arm_a spawn.launch
rostopic list
rostopic pub -1 /arm/joint2_position_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 0.7"
rostopic pub -1 /arm/joint1_position_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 1"
- Refer to Video 3
- Added transmission properties in link_joint.xacro file
- Added node for rqt
- Added transmission for all the other joints.
- Reduced the mass of the links and inertia.
- Added lower and upper limit of the robot movement.
- After that :
rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo
roslaunch arm_a spawn.launch
rostopic list
- Then use the rqt_publisher to give the values to links and plot juggler to view it.
- Refer to Video 4.
- Added a mesh folder in the package
- Added a .stl file to that folder.
- Changed the link 1 with the added mesh.
- Commented out the other links.
- After that :
rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo
roslaunch arm_a spawn.launch
- Then use the rqt_publisher to give the values to links and plot juggler to view it.
- Refer to Video 5.
- Next is to add an end effector mesh.
- Add depth camera to the arm.
- Implement Forward and Inverse Kinematics on the Arm
- Study more on the Moment of Inertia along different axes.
- Added another new link and made the joint fixed.
- This link is to hold the depth camera in position.
- Was tweeking with the pid values of the joint controller to give a efficient control.
- Refer to Image 3
- Starting with Depth Camera Integration in the Manipulator.
- Cloned the repositories for real sense.
- Repo1 :
- Repo2 :
- After that :
cd catkin_ws
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch realsense2_description view_d435_model_rviz_gazebo.launch
- Refer to Image 4.
- Added a new xacro file named arm_c.xacro for adding depth camera.
- Included the file from realsnse2_description package to use the depth camera in my project.
<xacro:include filename = "$(find realsense2_description)/urdf/_d435.urdf.xacro"
- Then added :
<xacro:sensor_d435 name="camera" topics_ns="camera" parent="${l05}" publish_pointcloud="true">
<origin xyz="-0.2 0 0.1" rpy="0 -1.57 0" />
- The origin xyz and rpy needs to be changed accordingly to fit in our previous model.
- After making all the changes in .xacro file, we need to make changes to the launch file to launch the changed xacro.
- After that :
rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo
roslaunch arm_a spawn.launch
rostopic list
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/depth/image_raw
roslaunch arm_a arm_rviz.launch
- Refer to Video 6 and Image 5,6.
- Added two new links to the robot model which will act as grippers.
- Added the prismatic joints for the grippers.
- Made changes in the joints.yaml and also launch file.
- Added joint8_position_controller.
- Added a folder named scripts.
- Added a python script named for controlling the grippers.
rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo
roslaunch arm_a spawn.launch
cd catkin_ws/src/arm_a/scripts
- Refer to Video 7.