Assignment 1: OVERVIEW: This repository contains the solution to Assignment 1 for the DCIT202 Mobile Application Development course. The assignment involves implementing various JavaScript functions related to array manipulation and string formatting, as well as creating user profiles based on the processed data.
TASKS: Task 1: 'arrayManipulation.js' Implemented a function 'processArray' that takes an array of numbers and returns a new array where each even number is squared and each odd number is tripled.
Task 2: 'arrayManipulation.js' Added a function 'formatArrayStrings' that takes two arrrays (strings and numbers). It modifies each string based on its corresponding number: capitalize if the number is even, cinvert to lowercase if odd.
Task 3: 'userInfo.js' Created a fucntion 'createUserProfiles' that takes an array of names and the array of modified names from Task 2. It returns an array of objects containing 'originalName' , 'modifiedName', and an auto-incremented 'id'.
Task 4: '' Included a README file explaining the assignment tasks and instructions.
- GitHUb Repository: Created a Github repository named 'js-for-react-native-11116870'.
- Cloning: Cloned the repository to the local machine
- Task Commit: Committed each task separately.
- Submission: Submitted a compressed folder of the repository.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Run 'node userInfo.js' to run the code.
- 'arrayManipulation.js': Contains functions for array manipulation.
- 'userInfo.js': Contains the main functin for crating user profiles.
- '': Provides an overview of the assigment tasks and instructions.
AUTHOR: Dennis Anim (11116870)