Linatabara3 is "لنتبرع" written with latin alphabets, which is an Arabic word that means "let's donate".
Linatabara3 is an open source blood donation platform that connects blood seekers with blood donors in their region.
I used Laravel 9 and Bootstrap.
- For blood donors: they register using their phone number, blood group, address...
- For blood seekers: they do a quick search where they choose the blood group and the region, then they will get a list of donors with their phone number.
Here is a live version to check it out: (for Algeria)
I created this platform to launch it first in Algeria (My country ❤) that's why I used Arabic and French (they are the most used languages in Algeria). I also used Algerian Provinces and Districts.
We welcome every contribution to make this platform dynamic and multinational.
git clone
Copy .env.example to .env and fill it.
- Database info.
- noCaptcha SITEKEY and SECRET, for the reCaptcha in register page, get them from:
Note: While creating a new site on Google ReCAPTCHA, make sure to choose reCAPTCHA v2 ("I'm not a robot" Checkbox):
- Mail info, for forgot password feature.
composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan key:generate
npm install
npm run dev
php artisan serve
The project has a User factorie.
php artisan tinker
Change 1999 to the number of users you want.
Thank you for considering contributing to Linatabara3 project! Feel free to contribute in any way, we welcome every contribution.
Linatabara3 project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.