Generate beautiful color palettes by picking just one color.
Clone or download this repo and use any simple HTTP server you like in the parent folder or open the index.html
directly in your browser, there's no need for any building as this is written in good ol' plain HTML/JavaScript.
Don't run your HTTP server on the repo folder itself, run it in its parent folder, this is because a workaround in the web manifest and service worker regarding how GitHub Pages work.
Opening the index.html
file directly doesn't allow web browsers to use web workers, instead, a slower fallback will be used.
Install http-server
npm install --global http-server
cd [path-to-repos-parent-folder]
Or run without installing anything
npx http-server [path-to-repos-parent-folder]
cd [path-to-repos-parent-folder]
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
cd [path-to-repos-parent-folder]
python -m http.server
- The amazing devs that made Color.js
- Björn Ottosson for making Oklab, Okhsv and Okhsl