###NOTE: This is a Script Written by: Unknown I found it on the Web a year ago and hjust modified it for fitting in Our environment
#####Functionality: When Ethernet cable is plugged in Wi-Fi is disabled. When Cable is disconnected Wi-Fi will turn on again.
#####Hot to Use: ######Method 1: Download the zip file, extract it and run the .pkg file
######Method 2: Build it on your own. switchInterface.sh should be copied to /Library/Scripts/ com.mine.switchinterface.plist should be copied to /Library/LaunchAgents/
Service must be load with sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.mine.switchinterface.plist
#####Works on: tested and working on MBP 13" Retina and MBP 15" Non-Retina. Not working on iMac.