Run data transformation jobs for TranSMART.
First make virtual environment to install dependencies using Python 3.7+
pip install transmart-packer
Or from source:
git clone
cd transmart-packer
pip install .
- a Redis server running on localhost (or update
From root dir run:
celery -A packer.tasks worker --loglevel=info
Environment variables:
Variable | Description |
The URL of the TranSMART API server |
Keycloak server URL, e.g., |
The Keycloak realm (default: transmart ) |
The Keycloak client ID (default: transmart-client ) |
The Keycloak offline token. |
Redis server URL (default: redis://localhost:6379 ) |
Directory to write export data (default: /tmp/packer/ ) |
Logging configuration (default: packer/logging.yaml ) |
URLs to restrict cross-origin requests to (CORS) (default: * ) |
An optional variable VERIFY_CERT
can be used to specify the path of a certificate collection file (.pem
used to verify HTTP requests.
should be generated for a system user that has the following roles:
- realm role
– to be able to get the offline token. - client role
on therealm-management
client – to support running tranSMART queries on behalf of task users.
To get the token, run:
SYSTEM_PASSWORD=choose-a-strong-system-password # CHANGE ME
curl -f --no-progress-meter \
-d "client_id=${KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID}" \
-d "username=${SYSTEM_USERNAME}" \
-d "password=${SYSTEM_PASSWORD}" \
-d "grant_type=password" \
-d "scope=offline_access" \
"${KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL}/realms/${KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '.refresh_token'
The value of the refresh_token
field in the response is the offline token.
To run the stack using docker-compose
follow the commands below:
# Downloads redis image and creates image with project dependencies.
docker-compose build
# After build is complete, start via:
docker-compose up
On code change the webserver will automatically restart, but the Celery workers will not. After updating the Celery task logic, you will need to restart the Docker container.
Available handlers:
Path | Description |
GET /jobs |
List all known jobs for this user. |
POST /jobs/create |
Create a new job by providing job_type and job_parameters, creates the job and returns a task_id. |
GET /jobs/status/<task_id> |
Get status details for a specific task. |
GET /jobs/cancel/<task_id> |
Cancel scheduled or abort a running task. |
GET /jobs/data/<task_id> |
Download the data that this task produced. |
WS /jobs/subscribe |
Open websocket connection to get live updates on job progress. |
To start the toy job "add" on the localhost machine
make call to http://localhost:8999/jobs/create?job_type=add&job_parameters={%22x%22:500,%22y%22:1501}
To run the test suite, we have to start redis-server and celery workers with the commands above. Then you can run:
python test
tests/csr_observation.json - test data retrieved from TranSMART using the following API call:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d \
"constraint": {
}' \
Current file is created based on clinical test data of python_csr2transmart, with ontology_config.json and sources_config.json as configuration. Note! Do not change csr_observation.json file manually.
New jobs can be added by adding a new Celery function to the jobs folder and adding the function to the jobs registry. See the packer/jobs/ to learn how.
Export transmart api client observation dataframe to tsv file
"job_parameters": {
"constraint": {
"custom_name":"name of the export"
The Central Subject Registry (CSR) data model specific export. The model contains individual, diagnosis, biosource, biomaterial, radiology and study entities, following the hierarchy for sample data: patient > diagnosis > biosource > biomaterial. Studies are orthogonal to samples, i.e., patients are linked to studies independent of samples. Radiology, same as samples, is linked to patient, but can be also linked to diagnosis (optional). The entities IDs are first 6 columns of the export file. The rest of the columns are concepts. Higher level concepts (e.g., Age that is specific to Patient level) get distributed to all rows specific to lower levels (e.g. Diagnosis)
See the CSR test study as an example or latest sources dataset that can be used for e2e testing.
"job_parameters": {
"constraint": {
"custom_name":"name of the export",
"row_filter": {
"subjectIds": ["P2", "P6"]
- any transmart v2 api constraint or composition of them that used to get data from transmart.job_parameters.custom_name
(optional) - name of the export job and the outputtsv
(optional) - any transmart v2 api constraint or composition of them to fetch keys ([[[[patient], diagnosis], biosource], biomaterial]
) that will make it to the end result. E.g., given the CSR study and query above only rows specific to P2 and P6 patients will end up to the result table such as P2, D2, BS2, BM2, ... row. Please note that keys do not have to be equal in length. A row gets also selected if only part of keys matches. e.g. P1 vs P1, D1
When the CSR data model is extended with new sample related entities, the export transformation code has to be changed as well in order to include a column with the ID of the new entity as one of the identifying columns.
In order to do this, packer/table_transformations/ file has to be modified.
map needs to be extended with the new dimension name of the new entity
as key and the column name that should appear in the export as value.
If the new entity is not a part of the sample hierarchy, but only linked to one or more entities, the merging logic has to be added in transform_obs_df function in packer/table_transformations/ (see the example of Radiology and Sample entities).
Copyright © 2019 The Hyve B.V.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see