A frequent sequences enumeration algorithm I prototyped for fun (and lack of solutions in clojure) as described in :
Frequent Closed Sequence Mining without Candidate Maintenance, J. Wang, J. Han, and C. Li, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering 19(8):1042-1056, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, USA 2007
Import and call mine-freq-seqs
with your sequence database (in string format) and the minimum support.
(mine-freq-seqs ["CAABC" "ABCB" "CABC" "ABBCA"] 2)
=> #{["B" 4] ["BC" 4] ["AB" 4] ["CA" 3] ["CAC" 2] ["AC" 4] ["ABC" 4] ["CAB" 2] ["A" 4] ["CABC" 2] ["ABB" 2] ["CC" 2] ["CB" 3] ["C" 4] ["BB" 2] ["CBC" 2] ["AA" 2]}
Loads! Among which
- Efficient closed sequence support.
- Some tests would be nice (when the army provides free time).