This middleware is a rip-off of redux-pack: we just needed a more standard way of handling the actions 🍧
This library is available on npm, install it with: npm install --save redux-pinky
Then connect it to the store like all the other middlewares (order matters!):
import reduxPinky from 'redux-pinky'
applyMiddleware([reduxThunk, reduxPinky, reduxLogger])
The aim of redux-pinky is to provide an easy way to dispatch async actions.
To use it just dispatch an action with a promise
const login = (email, password) => ({
type: 'LOGIN',
promise: yourAPI.login(email, password)
Whenever an action has a promise
field it will be handled by redux-pinky, that will always dispatch the following:
: Dispatched immediately{ type: LOGIN_SUCCESS, payload: result }
: Dispatched only if the promise succeeds (the result of the promise is in the payload field){ type: LOGIN_FAILURE, payload: error }
: Dispatched only if the promise fails (the result of the promise is in the payload field)
Since release 2.0 you can also directly dispatch an action with the type LOGIN_REQUEST
instead of LOGIN
(just a matter of taste, redux-pinky will dispatch LOGIN_REQUEST
You might want to add side effects (like sending analytics events or navigate to different views) based on promise results.
You can do it using the hooks of the meta
object of the action.
Here are the available hooks and their associated payload:
- onStart, function called with the initial action payload value
- onFinish, function called with true if the promise resolved, false otherwise
- onSuccess, function called with the promise resolution value
- onFailure, function called with the promise error
The last parameter of all the above functions is the store state (at the hook call time).
const initializeApp = () => ({
promise: yourAPI.initialize()
const initializeApp = () => ({
promise: (async () => {
await yourAPI.initializeAPI()
return yourAPI.login(email, password)
const downloadFile = (fileId) => {
return {
promise: yourAPI.downloadFile(fileId),
meta: {
onSuccess: (result, getState) => {
const userId = getState()
sendAnalytics('USER_DOWNLOADED_A_FILE', userId, fileId)
const checkCredentials = (fileId) => {
return {
promise: yourAPI.checkCredentials(userId),
meta: {
onFailure: (error, getState) => {
Alert.alert('Credentials check error', error.message)