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Developers Guide: Getting Started

Stephen Fortune edited this page Jun 27, 2017 · 1 revision

Setting up your dev environment


  • Windows
  • Linux
    At the ODI we do not use these platforms for development. If you use either OS for OSS development with the languages and libraries that we do please consider contributing some documentation to this README
  • Mac All subsequent instructions in this guide are intended for Mac OSX platforms. We’ve included the instructions relevant for the most recent release of OSX

Development Tools

Git: Git is a version control system prerequisite to distributed software development Github Client: The Github client is a GUI that facilitates some of the operations required for git VCS. It is not as powerful as some of the other options (Gittower, other paid options) but it is free

Feel free to use whatever text editor or IDE you prefer for coding. If you’re using Atom then we’ve found the following packages helpful for working on the toolbox

Ruby Development Tools

We use rbenv as several repos in our Toolbox employ varying versions of ruby and ruby on rails. Rbenv is a ruby version management tool like rvm - and you may use rvm if you prefer. If you would like to utilise Rbenv please follow the following steps.

  • Install Homebrew - Rbenv can be installed using the Homebrew package manager.
  • After installing Homebrew it’s advisable to run brew doctor to check if any issues occurred during install
  • Install Rbenv
  • Then install ruby-build
    • (if you encounter errors with the above try:
      git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build brew install ruby-build
  • Almost there - to complete the set up run the following
    • echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile
    • echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.profile rbenv rehash

To test that rbenv is working correctly on Mac OS run the following
rbenv install 2.1.8*
* or the ruby version stipulated in the repository you wish to work on
rbenv rehash
ruby -v

You should now see a different ruby version to the base install on your system (ruby 2.4.0 in the case of MacOS)

Finally install bundle
Gem install bundle

Rails Development Tools

Ruby on Rails additionally requires you install and run Redis (Postgres) and MySQL servers. If you already have these on your development machine you can skip their respective install steps in this following guide

Install and Run Your Tool of Preference

Your machine should now be ready to clone one of the Toolbox applications locally. Please consult the #Development and #development-running-the-full-application-locally headings within the README for the application you wish to run locally. These sections will walk you through the ruby version, environment variables and other prerequisites needed for your Toolbox application of choice