A web application that allows individuals to rent a house for a set period of time, as well as to list their own property, much like Airbnb.
This listing shows all current properties available on the market. A search bar can sort properties by name, city or country.
A contract popup opens when a property is selected. It allows the user to rent the property by selecting the wished dates.
The dashboard allows the user to add, edit or delete its properties. As well as list, or unlist a property on the global market using a toggle.
The contract page allows the user to manage its incoming or current contract. Each contract is also linked to a message room.
The message room allows the owner and the tenant to exchange informations about the contract. It is made with Firebase.
🔗 Visit website
🔗 Visit API's Swagger
The frontend of the web application is made with Angular. To open the website locally, you need to install Node.js and the Angular CLI.
Then, in your terminal, open the frontend
folder and do the following command:
install the required Node modules:
npm i
open the website in your favorite browser:
ng serve -o
The backend is made with Spring. To run the backend, open the backend
folder in your favorite IDE, install the Maven dependencies and run the program.