A Python client for Shale, the Selenium hub replacement.
Get a client
>>> import shale
>>> client = shale.default_client
>>> # or, use a custom client
>>> client = shale.Client('http://my-shale-host:5000')
List all running webdrivers.
>>> client.running_browsers()
({u'browser_name': u'phantomjs',
u'node': u'http://localhost:5555/wd/hub',
u'id': u'31027408-3e45-4d27-9770-ba1a26953dfc',
u'reserved': True,
u'tags': [u'target', u'linux']},)
Reserve a webdriver.
>>> browser = client.reserve_browser('31027408-3e45-4d27-9770-ba1a26953dfc')
<shale.client.ClientResumableRemote at 0x1d92fd0>
... and release it.
>>> browser.release()
There's a handy context manager for reserving & releasing webdrivers.
>>> with client.browser(browser_name='chrome', tags=['logged-in']) as browser:
... # do yo thang
... pass
>>> with client.browser(session_id='123...') as browser:
... # do yo thang with a particular browser session
... pass
You can also force create a new remote webdriver.
>>> browser = client.create_browser()
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