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Added support for first-class nodes and tagging.
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The session endpoint changes, client suppport, and documentation are
still in-progress.

Refs #3, #18.
  • Loading branch information
mhluongo committed Oct 6, 2014
1 parent fb7c287 commit c59d83d
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Showing 6 changed files with 267 additions and 117 deletions.
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions src/shale/node_pools.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
(ns shale.node-pools

(require '[])
(catch FileNotFoundException e))

(defprotocol INodePool
"Basic interface for choosing and managing Selenium nodes per session.
Implementing this allows dynamic node domains- eg, by retrieving them from
a cloud provider's API."

(get-nodes [this])

(add-node [this url]
"Add a new node to the pool. If a url is provided, stick with that. Otherwise
attempt to create a new node.")
(remove-node [this url]
"Remove a node from the pool specific by url.")
(can-add-node [this]
"Whether this pool supports adding new nodes.")
(can-remove-node [this]
"Whether this pool supports removing nodes."))

(deftype DefaultNodePool [nodes]
;;A simple node pool that chooses randomly from an initial list.
(get-nodes [this]

(add-node [this requirements]
(throw (ex-info "Unable to add new nodes to the default node pool."
{:user-visible true :status 500})))

(remove-node [this url]
(throw (ex-info "Unable to remove nodes with the default node pool."
{:user-visible true :status 500})))

(can-add-node [this] false)
(can-remove-node [this] false))

(defn ^:private describe-instances-or-throw []
(let [describe-instances
(ns-resolve ' 'describe-instances)]
(if describe-instances
(mapcat #(get % :instances) (get (describe-instances) :reservations))
(str "Unable to configure connect to the AWS API- make sure "
"amazonica is listed in your dependencies.")
{:user-visible true :status 500})))))

(defn ^:private instances-running-shale []
(filter #(and
(= (get-in % [:state :name]) "running")
(some (fn [i] (= (get i :key) "shale"))
(get % :tags)))

(defn ^:private instance->node-url [instance use-private-dns]
(format "http://%s:5555/wd/hub"
(get instance
(if use-private-dns :private-dns-name :public-dns-name))))

(deftype AWSNodePool [options]

(get-nodes [this]
(map #(instance->node-url % (get options :use-private-dns))
(add-node [this url]
(throw (ex-info "Adding nodes is not yet implemented."
{:user-visible true :status 500})))

(remove-node [this url])

(can-add-node [this] false)
(can-remove-node [this] false))
213 changes: 126 additions & 87 deletions src/shale/nodes.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,88 +1,127 @@
(ns shale.nodes

(require '[])
(catch FileNotFoundException e))

(defprotocol INodePool
"Basic interface for choosing and managing Selenium nodes per session.
Implementing this allows dynamic node domains- eg, by retrieving them from
a cloud provider's API."

(get-nodes [this])

(get-node [this requirements]
"Get a node from the pool. Takes the same requirement map as
(add-node [this requirements]
"Add a node to the pool that fulfills the requirement map.")
(remove-node [this url]
"Remove a node from the pool specific by url.")
(can-add-node [this]
"Whether this pool supports adding new nodes.")
(can-remove-node [this]
"Whether this pool supports remove nodes."))

(deftype DefaultNodePool [nodes]
;;A simple node pool that chooses randomly from an initial list.
(get-nodes [this])

(get-node [this requirements]
(rand-nth nodes))

(add-node [this requirements]
(throw (ex-info "Unable to add new nodes to the default node pool."
{:user-visible true :status 500})))

(remove-node [this requirements]
(throw (ex-info "Unable to remove nodes with the default node pool."
{:user-visible true :status 500})))

(can-add-node [this] false)
(can-remove-node [this] false))

(defn describe-instances-or-throw []
(let [describe-instances
(ns-resolve ' 'describe-instances)]
(if describe-instances
(mapcat #(get % :instances) (get (describe-instances) :reservations))
(str "Unable to configure connect to the AWS API- make sure "
"amazonica is listed in your dependencies.")
{:user-visible true :status 500})))))

(defn instances-running-shale []
(filter #(and
(= (get-in % [:state :name]) "running")
(some (fn [i] (= (get i :key) "shale"))
(get % :tags)))

(defn instance->node-url [instance use-private-dns]
(format "http://%s:5555/wd/hub"
(get instance
(if use-private-dns :private-dns-name :public-dns-name))))

(deftype AWSNodePool [options]

(get-nodes [this]
(map instance->node-url (instances-running-shale)))

(get-node [this requirements]
(instance->node-url (rand-nth instances-running-shale)))

(add-node [this requirements]
(throw (ex-info "Adding nodes is not yet implemented."
{:user-visible true :status 500})))

(remove-node [this requirements]
(throw (ex-info "Removing nodes is not yet implemented."
{:user-visible true :status 500})))

(can-add-node [this] false)
(can-remove-node [this] false))

(:require [shale.node-pools :as node-pools]
[taoensso.carmine :as car :refer (wcar)])
(:use carica.core
[clojure.set :only [difference]])
(:import java.util.UUID
[shale.node_pools DefaultNodePool AWSNodePool]))

(deftype ConfigNodePool [])

(def node-pool (if (nil? (config :node-pool-impl))
(if (nil? (config :node-pool-cloud-config))
(node-pools/DefaultNodePool. (or (config :node-list)
(if (= ((config :node-pool-cloud-config) :provider) :aws)
(node-pools/AWSNodePool. (config :node-pool-cloud-config))
(throw (ex-info (str "Issue with cloud config: AWS is "
"the only currently supported "
{:user-visible true :status 500}))))
(extend ConfigNodePool
(config :node-pool-impl))

(def node-set-key
(apply str (interpose "/" [redis-key-prefix "nodes"])))

(def node-key-template
(apply str (interpose "/" [redis-key-prefix "nodes" "%s"])))

(def node-tags-key-template
(apply str (interpose "/" [redis-key-prefix "nodes" "%s" "tags"])))

(defn node-key [id]
(format node-key-template id))

(defn node-tags-key [id]
(format node-tags-key-template id))

(defn node-ids []
(with-car* (car/smembers node-set-key)))

(defn uuid [] (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))

(defn node-ids []
(with-car* (car/smembers node-set-key)))

(defn view-model [id]
(let [node-key (node-key id)
node-tags-key (node-tags-key id)
[contents tags] (with-car*
(car/hgetall node-key)
(car/smembers node-tags-key))]
(assoc (apply hash-map contents) :tags (or tags []) :id id)))

(defn view-models [ids]
(let [ids (or ids (node-ids) )]
(map view-model ids)))

(defn view-model-from-url [url]
(first (filter #(= (% :url) url) (view-models nil))))

(defn modify-node [id {:keys [url tags]
:or {:url nil
:tags nil}}]
(let [node-key (node-key id)
node-tags-key (node-tags-key id)]
(if url (car/hset node-key :url url))
(if tags (sset-all node-tags-key tags))
(car/return (view-model id))))))

(defn create-node [{:keys [url
:or {:tags []}}]
(let [id (uuid)
node-key (node-key id)]
(car/sadd node-set-key id)
(modify-node id {:url url :tags tags})
(car/return (view-model id))))))

(defn destroy-node [id]
(car/watch node-set-key)
(node-pools/remove-node node-pool (get (view-model id) :url))
(car/srem node-set-key id)
(car/del (node-key id))
(car/del (node-tags-key id)))))

(defn ^:private to-set [s]
(into #{} s))

(defn refresh-nodes
"Syncs the node list with the backing node pool."
(let [nodes (to-set (node-pools/get-nodes node-pool))
registered-nodes (to-set (map #(get % :url) (view-models nil)))]
(map #(create-node {:url %})
(difference nodes registered-nodes))
(map #(destroy-node ((view-model-from-url %) :id))
(difference registered-nodes nodes)))))

(defn get-node [{:keys [url
:or {:url nil
:tags []}
:as requirements}]
(let [matches-requirements (fn [model]
(apply clojure.set/subset?
(map #(select-keys % [:url :tags])
[requirements model])))]
(filter matches-requirements
(view-models nil)))))
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/shale/periodic.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
(ns shale.periodic
(:require [shale.sessions :as sessions])
(:require [shale.nodes :as nodes])

(def thread-pool (mk-pool))

(defn schedule! []
(every 10000 #(nodes/refresh-nodes) thread-pool :fixed-delay true)
(every 200 #(sessions/refresh-sessions nil) thread-pool :fixed-delay true))

(defn stop! []
(stop-and-reset-pool! thread-pool))
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/shale/redis.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
(ns shale.redis
(:require [taoensso.carmine :as car :refer (wcar)])
(:use carica.core))

(def redis-conn {:pool {} :spec {}})
(defmacro with-car* [& body] `(car/wcar redis-conn ~@body))

(def redis-key-prefix "_shale")

(defn hset-all [k m]
(doall #(car/hset (key %) (val %)) m))

(defn sset-all [k s]
(car/del k)
(doall (map #(car/sadd k %) s)))
39 changes: 38 additions & 1 deletion src/shale/resources.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -121,6 +121,38 @@
:post! (fn [context]
(shale.sessions/refresh-sessions (if (nil? id) id [id]))))

(defresource nodes-resource [params]
:allowed-methods [:get]
:available-media-types ["application/json"]
:known-content-type? is-json-content?
:malformed? #(parse-json % ::data)
:handle-ok (fn [context]
(jsonify (shale.nodes/view-models nil))))

(defresource nodes-refresh-resource []
:allowed-methods [:post]
:available-media-types ["application/json"]
:post! (fn [context]

(defresource node-resource [id]
:allowed-methods [:get :put :delete]
:available-media-types ["application/json"]
:known-content-type? is-json-content?
:malformed? #(parse-json % ::data)
:handle-ok (fn [context]
(jsonify (get context ::node)))
:delete! (fn [context]
(shale.nodes/destroy-node id))
:put! (fn [context]
(shale.nodes/modify-node id (clojure-keys
(get context ::data)))})
:exists? (fn [context]
(let [node (shale.nodes/view-model id)]
(if-not (nil? node)
{::node node}))))

(defresource index
:available-media-types ["text/html" "application/json"]
:handle-ok (fn [context]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,5 +181,10 @@
(session-resource id))
(ANY ["/sessions/:id/refresh", :id #"(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,}-)*[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,}"]
(sessions-refresh-resource id)))
(sessions-refresh-resource id))
(ANY "/nodes" {params :params} nodes-resource)
(ANY "/nodes/refresh" [] (nodes-refresh-resource))
(ANY ["/nodes/:id", :id #"(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-])+"]
(node-resource id)))
(dev/wrap-trace :ui :header)))

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