Serverless Stack with CI/CD - API + Static UI
This stack is completely serverless and powered by CIM.
It consists of:
- UI - Static S3 Website, CloudFront, SSL
- API - API Gateway, Lambda, SSL
- Async Tasks - SNS, Lambda
With every code push your Infrastructure will be updated.
With every code push a new version of your Service will be built, tested, and deployed.
There are two environments sandbox
and prod
. This makes it easy to test Infrastructure and Code changes before pushing to prod.
- sandbox ->
Git branch - prod ->
Git branch
The Lambda function uses blue/green canary deployments. 5xx, 4xx, and latency are monitored to make sure the new deployment is stable.
- Fork and clone this repo.
- Install CIM (CloudFormation Utility)
- Register your domain with Route53
- Or point your existing domain to Route53
- Configure '[email protected]' to receive the SSL verification email
- You will have to confirm this email address. This is annoying and I've asked AWS to remove this step if the domain is used with Route5
- Install the bootstrap.stack.yml stack.
In order to protect your configuration secrets like your GitHub token we need to create a KMS key first.
- Install and setup your AWS environment vars.
- Encrypt each string as outlined below.
- Add the encrypted strings to the _cim.yml. The format is
${kms.decrypt(<encreted string>)}
Create a file called encrypt.json
"keyId" : "<your kms key id>",
"plainText": "<your client id>",
"awsRegion": "<aws region>",
"awsProfile": "<aws profile"
Use this command to perform the encryption : kms-cli encrypt --file encrypt.json
Create the boostrap stack manually. Once this is complete the pipelines will be created and then create the other stacks.
- Run
cim stack-up