Ziggified wrapper around SQLite.
- No extra stuff under the hood (e.g. no automatically parsing column names);
- Correlate with the C API;
- Provide a Zig-friendly interface;
- Provide more safety (e.g. automatically close/finalize if something goes wrong);
- Provide extras so it's easier to work with it in Zig (e.g. offer a way to allocate strings);
Offers a limited subset of SQLite. As I'm only using this for a personal project, my current target is only on some features that I use.
If you only want to use SQLite as a static library in Zig, check out zsqlite-c.
Add as a dependency:
zig fetch --save "https://github.com/thiago-negri/zsqlite/archive/refs/heads/master.zip"
Add to your build:
// Add SQLite
const zsqlite = b.dependency("zsqlite", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
// Tracks open statements and panics if a close is attempted on a connection that
// still has unfinallized statements. Defaults to true.
// Setting it to false will strip that code from the executable, so no overhead.
.track_open_statements = true,
const zsqlite_module = zsqlite.module("zsqlite");
exe.root_module.addImport("zsqlite", zsqlite_module);
See zsqlite-demo for an example on how to use.