This AppleScript droplet makes it more convenient to batch process multiple STL files with Slic3r and Cura, and can easily be modified to use any other slicing software that has a shell interface. The .sctp file is the AppleScript Editor project. The ZIP file contains the built and droplets. The .applescript file is the latest raw source code for readable diffs.
- In Finder select a group of STL files, drag them onto the droplet.
- You are asked to choose a Slic3r or Cura configuration (.ini) file.
- The dropped STL files will be sliced using the selected configuration.
- Output files are named after the configuration file.
- ("Gear.stl" + "ABS-0.3mm-20%.ini" = "Gear-ABS-0.3mm-20%.gcode")
Put and in the Finder toolbar or Dock for easy drag-and-drop slicing.