This project is based on libtorch-faster-rcnn, and the motivation is also the same as what's discussed in there. This time, we hope to give one way of how one-stage object detector can be implemented using libtorch.
The one-stage object detector we choose here is ATSS. ATSS defines a way to assign positive and negative samples during training, and it can be applied to both anchor-based and anchor-free detectors. Here we implement the algorithm based on anchor-based one-stage detector---RetinaNet. We also add universal tricks like GN, centerness and GIoULoss.
The overall setting and implementation very much follow mmdet's except for the positive-negative sample assignment part, in which this implementation is simpler and easier to follow. However, they produce the same results.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=path_to_libtorch -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=path_to_opencv
cmake --build . --config Release --parallel 8
./build/train configs/atss_r50_fpn_voc0712.json --work-dir work_dir --gpu 0
./build/test atss_r50_fpn_voc0712.json --out epoch_12.bbox.json --gpu 0
For more guidance please look at readme.
Train: voc2007trainval + voc2012trainval
Test: voc2007test
Results are taking average of three runs.
backbone | mAP | AP50 | |
mmdet | Resnet50 | 53.3 | 78.1 |
this | Resnet50 | 53.4 | 78.1 |