MushroomRL: Reinforcement Learning Python library.
Contents of this document:
MushroomRL is a Python Reinforcement Learning (RL) library whose modularity allows to easily use well-known Python libraries for tensor computation (e.g. PyTorch, Tensorflow) and RL benchmarks (e.g. OpenAI Gym, PyBullet, Deepmind Control Suite). It allows to perform RL experiments in a simple way providing classical RL algorithms (e.g. Q-Learning, SARSA, FQI), and deep RL algorithms (e.g. DQN, DDPG, SAC, TD3, TRPO, PPO).
Full documentation available here.
You can do a minimal installation of MushroomRL
pip3 install mushroom_rl
To install the whole set of features, you will need additional packages installed. You can install everything by running:
pip3 install mushroom_rl[all]
This will install every dependency of MushroomRL, except MuJoCo and Plots dependencies.
To use the mujoco-py
MushroomRL interface you can run the command:
pip3 install mushroom_rl[mujoco]
Below is the code that you need to run to install the Plots dependencies:
sudo apt-get -y install python3-pyqt5
pip3 install mushroom_rl[plots]
You might need to install external dependencies first. For more information about mujoco-py installation follow the instructions on the project page
To use dm_control MushroomRL interface, install dm_control
following the instruction that can
be found here
To run experiments, MushroomRL requires a script file that provides the necessary information for the experiment. Follow the scripts in the "examples" folder to have an idea of how an experiment can be run.
For instance, to run a quick experiment with one of the provided example scripts, run:
python3 examples/
If you are using mushroom for your scientific publications, please cite:
title={MushroomRL: Simplifying Reinforcement Learning Research},
author={D'Eramo, Carlo and Tateo, Davide and Bonarini, Andrea and Restelli, Marcello and Peters, Jan},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.01102},