- Show version in footer
- lein-release plugin
- ELO Rating system
- Tweak ratings algorithm
- Add player log page (played matches and ratings changes)
- Remove footer (add info to navbar/about-page)
- Link to player log page in each table where players are mentioned
- Pretty print tables with colors of the rainbow!!!
- Implement player form (W/L) for latest five matches
- autorefresh pages (javascript?)
- Fix issue #1 - incorrect color for “expected %” on player log
- Handle sorting of matches played on same day by transaction order
- Matchup feature showing potential matches between a group of players with expected outcome.
- Update ancient dependencies
- Show arrow for winner team in matchup table
- Styling of tables now without bordered class
- bugfix arrows’ direction on matchup table
- rethink/redo delete player functionality
- sort players by name as default
- Upgrade to Twitter Bootstrap 3 RC1
- Clientside validation of matchreport
- Frontpage with leaderboard
- Clientside enhancements on player-log and matchup
- Fix bug when match date is invalid
- Fix issue #4 (matchup with player without matches crashes)
- decrease rating for inactive players
- show inactivity penalties in player-log (accumulated between matches)
- player statistics should show last match date/days since last match for each player
- mix sort columns which broke with bootstrap 3 inclusion
- link from matchup to report-match with the selected players
- Styling of admin page with Bootstrap 3 styles
- Renaming of players via admin page
- Page titles to layout
- Use local jQuery instead of cdn
- Compile ClojureScript with simple-optimizations to reduce size
- User model - friend and google openid
- lots of behind the scenes upgrades and refactorings
- show numeric ordering on player ratings (ie. 1, 2, 3)
- upgrade to friend 0.2.0
- Performance improvements on player, team ratings and front page
- Foosball is now a SPA (single page app) on top of a liberator api
- create edn api using liberator
- Bootstrap upgraded to 3.2.0
- MANY internal upgrades and refactorings
- Fix issue with datepicker on report-match page
- Deployments are uberjars going forward, no more uberwar