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Web application for tracking foosball match results and statistics.

But most of all, a playground for learning web development with Clojure, ClojureScript and Datomic.

Most of the concepts discovered/used/copied here have been crystalized into the gyag Leiningen template.


Running in production since april 2013. If you can use this as a basis for your own site, go ahead.
This codebase has no intensions of becoming the all singing, all dancing, generic foosball site, pull requests will be considered in this light.

Running a development environment


  1. You need an instance of Datomic running. I can recommend the wrapper cldwalker/datomic-free

  2. (optional) phantom-js (headless browser for running client-side tests against)


  1. To run server-side, see the gyag template README

  2. Continuous server-side test runner: lein clj-autotest (occupies a terminal tab)

Client-side (browser)

The browser code has three profiles, dev, production and testable. production is :advanced compiled, dev is not and has continuous reload support via figwheel. testable is for running tests on phantom-js.


  1. Continuous running/live updating client-side: lein cljs-figwheel (occupies a terminal tab)
  2. Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/


  1. Continuous rebuild of client-side with production profile: lein cljs-production
  2. Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/production.html


  1. Continuous client-side tests in headless phantom-js (required local install): lein cljs-autotest (occupies a terminal tab)


Copyright © 2014 Thomas Christensen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.