Grunt plugin like Generates Json and HTML. Has CSSLint support. (HTML result demo)
This is beta. No unit tests yet. With some config variations it may be buggy.
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-css-statistics --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named cssstats
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
cssstats: {
options: {
// Task-specific options go here.
your_target: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
Type: Bool
Default value: false
Writes the CssStats object to the console.
Type: Bool
Default value: true
If set to true
a JSON file with the CssStats Object will be written to the destination folder.
The filename will be [TARGETNAME].cssstats.json
Type: Bool
Default value: true
If set to true
a HTML file with the CssStats results will be written to the destination folder.
The filename will be [TARGETNAME].cssstats.html
Type: Array
Default value:
Every Css property in this array will be added to the uniqueDeclarations section.
Type: Bool
Default value: false
If set to true
the original CssStats Object from the Node module will be added to the grunt-css-statistics object.
You will only get a viewable output in the JSON file.
Type: Bool
Default value: false
If set to true
the analyzed CSS will be added to the object and a code tag with the the analyzed CSS will be added to the HTML output.
Warning: If you're working with really large CSS files this can slow down the process extremely.
Type: Bool
Default value: false
If set to true
the analyzed styles will be added to the head of the html file.
Warning: If you're working with really large CSS files this can slow down the process extremely.
Type: Bool
Default value: false
If set to true
the you will get the 'Selector Specificity' and the 'Ruleset Size' as a graph in the html file.
Warning: If you're working with really large CSS files this can slow down the process extremely.
Type: Bool | String | Object
Default value: false
CSSLint is not included in the dependencies. You have to install it first with npm install csslint --save-dev
For more information about CSSLint visit
For more information about CSSLint rules visit
csslint: true
You will get the analysis of your Stylesheets with CSSLint's standard ruleset.
csslint: 'path/to/ruleset.json'
You will get the analysis of your Stylesheets with your own ruleset. Your own ruleset will be merged with the CSSLint standards. You have to set rules to false if you don't want them. Ruleset files have to be JSON.
csslint: {
clearDefaults: false, // true = deletes all standard rules
ruleset: {
rulesetFile: 'path/to/rulesetFile.json', // path to your ruleset file
'zero-units': true, // adds zero-units to ruleset
'adjoining-classes': false
groupResults: true // group analysis by rules
Take a look at the comments.
Add ability to define own rules.
In this example, the default options are used to do something with whatever. So if the testing
file has the content Testing
and the 123
file had the content 1 2 3
, the generated result would be Testing, 1 2 3.
cssstats: {
options: {},
files: {
'path/to/outputFolder': ['path/to/src/**/*.css', 'path/to/123.css'],
cssstats: {
options: {
logConsole: false,
jsonOutput: true,
htmlOutput: true,
uniqueDeclarations: [
addOrigin: false,
addRawCss: false,
addHtmlStyles: false,
addGraphs: false,
csslint: {
clearDefaults: false,
ruleset: {
rulesetFile: 'path/to/rulesetFile.json',
'zero-units': true,
'adjoining-classes': true
groupResults: true
files: {
'path/to/outputFolder': ['path/to/src/**/*.css']
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
- 0.9.7 - fix for issue #6: forEach of undef in getValueCount()
- 0.9.6 - minor, no code changes
- 0.9.5 - added labels to readme …
- 0.9.4 - added labels to readme …
- 0.9.3 - a little bit of clean up …
- 0.9.2 - a little bit of clean up …
- 0.9.1 - added csslint option - fix for rulesets
- 0.9.0 - added csslint option
- 0.8.4 - minor changes on
- 0.8.0