This is a PoC demonstrating possible integrations using Argo Workflows and Argo Events.
Static Analysis pipelines with github global hooks
Scheduled DAG triggers with timezone support
Build using Drone file
Spin up a kubernetes of your choice.
Install All: Argo Events, Argo Workflows, Fission
kubectl apply -f kube/
To install from the master branch use:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl create namespace argo
kubectl apply -n argo -f
kubectl -n fission apply -f \
This installation only reads argo events resources form the argo-events namespace.
Installing Argo Events Installing Argo Workflows Installing Fission
Install the Argo Workflows cli
Install the Fission cli
Argo Workflow Artifact Support
helm repo add stable
helm repo update
helm install argo-artifacts stable/minio --set service.type=LoadBalancer --set fullnameOverride=argo-artifacts
- Triggering events using argo events
- Show integration with Workflows
kubectl -n argo-events -f http-workflow-sensor.yaml
kubectl -n port-forward svc/webhook-gateway-svc 12000:12000
curl -d '{"message":"this is my first webhook"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:12000/example
To check the workflow status and logs run:
argo list -n argo-events
argo -n argo-events logs <workflow-id>
- Show integration with Fission
Spin up a simple Fission function
# Add the stock NodeJS env to your Fission deployment
fission env create --name nodejs --image fission/node-env
# Upload your function code to fission
fission function create --name hello --env nodejs --code hello.js
# Map GET /hello to your new function
fission route create --method GET --url /hello --function hello
Github Webhook
- Global CI pipelines
- Use Github webhooks to trigger a pipeline (would be nice to support Drone's YAML)
- Scan for secrets on Github webhook
- Scheduled jobs
- Trigger a daemons job using argo events
Use helm charts to simplify events and workflows deployments
Drone file to workflow conversion?