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Thunderbird Accounts


Thunderbird Accounts is still in active development and is not ready for any active use.

Documentation Status

This project uses uv.

Thunderbird Accounts is a Django 5.1 application. Please read up on Django before diving in.

Docker is the recommended way to run the server, though you have the option to run it locally.

Shared setup

Whether you're running the server via Docker or locally, you'll need to set up your .env file and copy the example Stalwart config.

Create the .env file

Start from the .env.example file to create your dev and test .env files:

cp .env.example .env


These can be found in the Services 1password vault in the item named "FXA stage application keys for TB Accounts".

Use the example config for Stalwart

Note: Do not use this for production environments.

Copy config.toml.example to mail/etc/config.toml before first run.

mkdir -p mail/etc && cp config.toml.example mail/etc/config.toml

The default admin password should be accounts.

Running the server in Docker (recommended)

Start the Docker containers

docker-compose up --build -V

A server will be available at http://localhost:8087/

Generate SECRET keys

Generate a random secret with this command:

docker compose exec backend uv run generate_key

Use this value for the following variables in your .env file:


It's fine to use the same key for all three; this is only for development.

After making this change, restart your docker containers.

Create a superuser

Run the this command and follow the terminal prompts:

docker compose exec backend uv run createsuperuser --email <fxa_email_address>

When asked, enter your FXA email address.

Make an existing user a superuser

If you have already attempted to login to the admin via FXA and gotten a 401 Unauthorized, run this command:

docker compose exec backend uv run make_superuser <fxa_email_address>

Exposed dev ports

For development the following ports are exposed:

Service Port for host computer Port in docker network
Webserver 8087 8087
Postgres 5433 5432
Redis 6380 6379
Redis (Insights) 8071 8001
Mailpit (Web UI) 8026 8025
Mailpit (SMTP) 1026 1024

(Note: You're the host computer. So connect to postgres via port 5433!)

Running the server locally


Ensure that uv is installed, and then run:

uv sync

The default admin password should be accounts.

Create a superuser

Run the following and follow the terminal prompts:

./ createsuperuser --email <fxa_email_address>

When asked, enter your FXA email address.

Generate SECRET keys

Generate a random secret with this command:

./ generate_key

Use this value for the following variables in your .env file:


It's fine to use the same key for all three; this is only for development.

Start the local dev server

./ runserver

Make an existing user a superuser

If you have already attempted to login to the admin via FXA and gotten a 401 Unauthorized, run this command:

./ make_superuser <fxa_email_address>

Creating additional apps

Apps are feature of django we can use to create re-usable modules with. We mostly just use them to separate out and organize components. Apps can depend on and/or require other internal apps, there's no hard rule here.

Ensure to nest all internal apps inside src/thunderbird_accounts by appending the destination path after the command:

mkdir -p src/thunderbird_accounts/<app name> && ./ startapp <app name> src/thunderbird_accounts/<app name>

Once the app is created go to src/thunderbird_accounts/<app name>/ and prepend thunderbird_accounts. to so it looks like thunderbird_accounts.<app name>.

Building documentation locally

Ensure you have the requirements in docs installed and run the following command in the project's root folder:

sphinx-build docs build

Running tests in docker

Make sure that the containers are already running.

To run all tests:

docker compose exec backend uv run python test

To run tests for a specific module:

docker compose exec backend uv run test thunderbird_accounts.client.tests