- socket wrapper on top of BSD Sockets
- epoll/kqueue/completion ports
- generic flexible parser
- JSON implementation
- IDL implementation
- IDL is used to define model specification which is turned to a set of cpp classes by the code generator
- dependencies? just the system - windows/linux/macos
- UDP? not yet
- asynchronous interface? yes, please!
- multithreading necessary? nope
- SSL/TLS? no. use a proxy server
- ipv6 vs ipv4? code is generic, but a bug exists on windows leaving ipv4 option only
- multiple connections served by single socket object!
- portable? yes! it's a goal. clang, gcc, msvc working.
- build system? cmake. refer to cmake project generator options for msvc, xcode, etc... project generation.
- static linking vs dynamic linking? both supported, refer to BUILD_SHARED_LIBS cmake option
- 32 bit build? never tried to fix build errors/warnings
- header only? no.
- c++11
- unicode support? JSON encode/decode follows the rules to handle the string cases, the rest of the code assumes that std::string is utf8 encoded.
protobuf, I guess.
why not?
module TheProtocol
class Sum
Float64 first
Float64 second
class SumResult
Float64 value
#include "message.hpp" // TheProtocol is defined here by code generator
#include <belt.pp/packet.hpp>
#include <belt.pp/socket.hpp>
#include <belt.pp/event.hpp>
using beltpp::ip_address;
using beltpp::packet;
using packets = beltpp::socket::packets;
using peer_id = beltpp::socket::peer_id;
using peer_ids = beltpp::socket::peer_ids;
using namespace TheProtocol;
using sf = beltpp::socket_family_t<&message_list_load>;
beltpp::event_handler eh;
beltpp::socket sk = beltpp::getsocket<sf>(eh);
ip_address addr("", 5555);
addr.ip_type = ip_address::e_type::ipv4;
// intended to use, when need to wait for events from
// more than one beltpp::socket object
unordered_set<beltpp::ievent_item const*> set;
if (server_mode)
while (true)
peer_id peer;
packets received_packets = sk.receive(peer);
for (auto const& received_packet : received_packets)
switch (received_packet.type())
case beltpp::isocket_join::rtt:
cout << "peer " << peer << " joined" << endl;
case beltpp::isocket_drop::rtt:
cout << "peer " << peer << " dropped" << endl;
case beltpp::isocket_protocol_error::rtt:
beltpp::isocket_protocol_error msg;
cout << "error from peer " << peer << endl;
cout << msg.buffer << endl;
case Sum::rtt:
Sum msg_sum;
SumResult msg_result;
msg_result.value = msg_sum.first + msg_sum.second;
cout << msg_sum.first << " + " << msg_sum.second << endl;
sk.send(peer, msg_result);
else // client mode
peer_id connected_peer;
while (true)
peer_id peer;
packets received_packets = sk.receive(peer);
if (!peer.empty())
connected_peer = peer;
if (connected_peer.empty())
return 0;
if (received_packets.empty())
if (received_packets.front().type() == SumResult::rtt)
SumResult msg_sum;
cout << msg_sum.value << endl;
else {} // socket join, drop are handled implicitly here
double a, b;
cin >> a >> b;
Sum msg_sum;
msg_sum.first = a;
msg_sum.second = b;
sk.send(peer, msg_sum);
user@pc:~$ mkdir projects
user@pc:~$ cd projects
user@pc:~/projects$ git clone https://github.com/tigrangh/belt.pp
user@pc:~/projects$ mkdir belt.pp.build
user@pc:~/projects$ cd belt.pp.build
user@pc:~/projects/belt.pp.build$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./install ../belt.pp
user@pc:~/projects/belt.pp.build$ cmake --build . --target install
then use targets socket
, packet
, utility
as dependencies
then use targets belt::socket
, belt::packet
, belt::utility
as dependencies
it's the idl executable