Guess the 5 letter word with a mastermind codebreaking style game play with no play restrictions - my wife loves the game this is based on but hates having to wait for the next word to be released.
Production build can be played over at
If you'd like to report a bug or request a new feature, please start a New issue
Things I'd like it to do: moved to the project's issues board
- node@14
- npm@6
# Clone the repo
git clone
# Change directory to cloned repo folder
cd get-five
# Install javascript dependencies
npm install
# Start local development environment
npm run dev
# Lint TypeScript and JavaScript files
npm run lint
# Testing
npm run test # run tests as a one-off task, usually for CI/CD tasks
npm run test:watch # run tests in watch mode to aid TDD of utils et al
# Build production assets
npm run build
# Run production server
npm run start
# Build js dictionaries from `/scripts/generate-word-lists/words.js` into `/configs/words-[word length].js`
npm run generate-words