This Timeflux application is a proof-of-concept of the Burst VEP method. For the theoretical background and details regarding this implementation, please refer to our paper.
First install Timeflux and its depedencies in a new environment:
conda create --name timeflux python=3.10 pip pytables
conda activate timeflux
pip install timeflux timeflux_ui timeflux_dsp pyriemann imblearn
timeflux -v
Then simply clone this repository:
git clone
For a general overview of Timeflux, please check the official documentation and the introduction paper.
The application life cycle has two main stages:
- The calibration procedure
- Zero or more evaluation tasks
These two stages can have different layouts (for example, one single target for the calibration stage and either the original 5-target layout, a simple 9-target grid, or the 11-class keyboard for the evaluation tasks). Currently, all the evaluation tasks must share the same layout.
Three task types are available:
- A cued task where participants are asked to activate the designated target
- A self-paced task
- A sequence task where the goal is to activate a sequence of targets identified on a virtual keyboard
Most of the times, tasks and layouts are independent. This is not always the case, though. For example, the sequence task is only available for the keyboard and simple layout.
The application can be fine-tuned in a number of ways.
The .env
file provides high-level configuration.
By default, a random signal is used in place of EEG data, so you can try the application without any additional hardware. For real EEG acquisition, you must provide your own DEVICE.yaml
graph in the graphs
folder. An example lsl.yaml
graph, using the Lab Streaming Layer protocol, is provided.
Currently, only the riemann
machine learning pipeline is available.
Setting | Description | Default |
DEVICE | EEG device | dummy |
EPOCH | Epoch length, in seconds, used for classification | 0.25 |
LATENCY | Signal latency, in seconds | 0.08 |
PIPELINE | Classification pipeline (riemann, eegnet) | riemann |
CALIBRATION_LAYOUT | The layout used for calibration (single, simple, grid, keyboard) | single |
TASK_LAYOUT | The layout used for the main task (simple, grid, keyboard) | simple |
DYNAMIC_CODES | Generate dynamic codes (1) or use static codes (0) | 0 |
SEED | If set, the code generator will use this random seed for reproducibility purposes | |
CHANNELS | The list of EEG channels | PO7,O1,Oz,O2,PO8,PO3,POz,PO4 |
REFERENCE | If set, the electrode used for rereferencing, otherwise an average rereferencing will be applied |
Note that you can also set up environment variables outside of an .env file.
Burst codes are defined in a hook. This allows the codes to be stored in an environment variable that can be reused in the graphs. By default, codes are generated dynamically for a length of 132 frames containing 6 bursts with a maximum jitter of 3 frames.
The default preprocessing consists of the following:
- Average rereferencing
- Notch filter at 50 Hz (IIR, order 3)
- Bandpass filter between 1 and 25 Hz (IIR, order 2)
This can be modified in the main.yaml
Individual epochs are scaled using the standard deviation of the training set. If this is an issue, class imbalance can be handled through random undersampling (disabled by default, see classification.yaml
The application expects an dictionary of settings.
Setting | Description | Default |
codes.calibration | The list of burst codes for the calibration layout (one per target) | |
codes.task | The list of burst codes for the task layout (one per target) | |
layouts.calibration | The layout for the calibration stage ('single', 'simple', 'keyboard') | single |
layouts.task | The layout for the task stages ('simple', 'keyboard') | keyboard |
calibration.blocks | The number of rounds during calibration | 5 |
calibration.repetitions | The number of cycles for each target | 3 |
calibration.active_only | Display only the current target and mask the others | false |
calibration.duration_rest | The rest period before a new target is presented, in ms | 2000 |
calibration.duration_cue_on | The duration of the cue | 1500 |
calibration.duration_cue_off | The duration of the pause before the code starts flashing | 500 |
task.cue.enable | true if the cued task must be enabled, false otherwise |
true |
task.cue.targets | The number of random targets or the list of targets to be cued | 10 |
task.sequence.enable | true if the sequence task must be enabled, false otherwise |
true |
task.sequence.sequences | The number of random sequences or the list of sequences to be typed | 10 |
task.sequence.cue_target | true if target cues must be enabled, false otherwise |
false |
task.sequence.cue_feedback | true if feedback cues must be enabled, false otherwise |
true |
run.duration_rest | The rest period before the free run begins, in ms | 2000 |
run.duration_lock_on | The duration of the feedback when a prediction is received | 1500 |
run.duration_lock_off | The rest period after the feedback | 500 |
stim.type | The stimulus type ('gabor', 'ricker', 'plain') | gabor |
stim.depth | The stimulus opacity (between 0 and 1) | 0.8 |
colors.background | The background color | #202020 |
colors.text | The text color | #FFFFFF |
colors.cross | The fixation cross color | #FFFFFF |
colors.target_off | The target color during the off-state | #797979 |
colors.target_on | The target color during the on-state, if stim.type is 'plain' | #FFFFFF |
colors.target_border | The border color | #000000 |
colors.target_cue | The cue border color | blue |
colors.target_success | The target color when the task is successful | green |
colors.target_failure | The target color when the task failed | red |
colors.target_lock | The prediction color | blue |
The default settings can be changed in the main.yaml
graph. See app.js
for details.
You can also update the stim parameters in realtime from the control panel (by pressing the s
Targets and layouts can be freely added in index.html
Layouts are container divs with an id starting with layout-
. Each target must have a target
class. Targets are identified in DOM order for each layout (i.e. the first target in the layout-simple
div in index.html
will have the 0
id). There must be as many HTML elements as there are burst codes associated with the layout.
Each individual layout has an associated stylesheet. All the layouts are responsive, and will adjust to screen resizes according to a given ratio. The shape, position, and colors of the targets can be further adjusted in custom.css
For example, to change the original 3:4 ratio of the keyboard layout to a square:
#layout-keyboard {
aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
Or, to change the diameter of the target in the single layout:
#layout-single .target {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
To create a new stimulus type, simply add a new image in this folder.
The application classifies single flashes. Epochs are triggered at each frame on 250ms windows. The classification pipeline computes xdawn covariances projected on the tangent space followed by a linear discriminant analysis. The resulting probabilities are accumulated in a circular buffer on which correlation analysis is performed. When enough confidence is reached for a specific target, a final prediction is made.
Several accumulation engines are available, which can be configured either from the classification graph or adjusted in realtime from the control panel (by pressing the s
The current default decision engine is Steady.
Setting | Description | Default |
codes | The list of burst codes, one for each target | |
min_buffer_size | Minimum number of predictions to accumulate before emitting a prediction | 30 |
max_buffer_size | Maximum number of predictions to accumulate for each class | 200 |
recovery | Minimum duration in ms required between two consecutive epochs after a prediction | 300 |
This method computes the Pearson correlation for each frame and code. The final prediction is made when the threshold
and delta
limits are reached.
Setting | Description | Default |
threshold | Minimum value to reach according to the Pearson correlation coefficient | .75 |
delta | Minimum difference percentage to reach between the p-values of the two best candidates | .5 |
Please note that default values are reasonnably suitable for random data. For real EEG data, the threshold should probably be raised.
Based on the Pearson engine, this method uses a different decision process.
Setting | Description | Default |
min_frames_pred | Minimum number of times the current candidate must have been detected to emit a prediction | 50 |
max_frames_pred | Maximum number of frames after which the best performing candidate is chosen | 200 |
Run the following:
timeflux -d main.yaml
You can monitor the EEG signal here. The application is accessible at this address.
Maximize your browser window to avoid distractions, and follow the instructions. The session includes the following steps:
- Fixation cross (to ensure that the monitor is directly facing the user)
- Calibration stage (required to compute the model)
- Self-paced selection (use left arrow to restart the calibration and right arrow to continue to the evaluation tasks)
- Zero or more evaluation tasks
The accumulation and scoring parameters can be controlled in real time from the settings popover by pressing the s
When you are done, close the browser tab, and send the Ctrl+C
command to Timeflux.
If anything goes wrong, logs can be found in the log
For further analysis, data and events are recorded in the data
import pandas as pd
fname = "data/20231121-090341.hdf5"
raw = pd.read_hdf(fname, "raw")
filtered = pd.read_hdf(fname, "filtered")
predictions = pd.read_hdf(fname, "predictions")
events = pd.read_hdf(fname, "events")
config = events.loc[events['label'] == "session_begins"]["data"][0]
scores = events.loc[events['label'] == "task_ends"]["data"]
title = {Leveraging textured flickers: a leap toward practical, visually comfortable, and high-performance dry EEG code-VEP BCI},
volume = {21},
ISSN = {1741-2552},
url = {},
DOI = {10.1088/1741-2552/ad8ef7},
number = {6},
journal = {Journal of Neural Engineering},
publisher = {IOP Publishing},
author = {Dehais, Frédéric and Cabrera Castillos, Kalou and Ladouce, Simon and Clisson, Pierre},
year = {2024},
month = dec,
pages = {066023}