The original paper of EMI lacks an implementation, this repo provides a straigtforward yet simple implementation based on libclang.
Illustration about this implementation:
i.c -> EMIInstrum -> t.c // instrument all blocks
run t.c // obtain covered blocks, compute and print dead blocks
i.c -> EMIMutator -> o.c // prune a dead block (specified from cmdline)
sudo apt install libclang-12-dev libllvm12 llvm-12-dev llvm-12-tools
Steps to compile this project:
mkdir output
cd output
cmake ..
Steps to run:
$ cd output
$ ./EMI ../tests/a.c -o o.c # this will print dead blocks
dead blocks: 1 2 3
$ ./EMI ../tests/a.c -o o.c --remove=1
dead blocks: 1 2 3
try to remove 1
$ cat o.c
int f() {
if (0) {} // removed
if (0) {
printf("block XXX\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf("block YYY\n");
printf("block ZZZ\n");
return 0;
int main() {
printf("block DDD\n");
return f();