ASDF plugin for the BATS, a unittest library for the Bash/Zsh;
asdf plugin-add bats
asdf list all bats
asdf install bats 1.6.0
bats --version
Open Github issue, describe the issue and propose a solution; It helps others to see your progress and will avoid duplicated effort;
Clone repo
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Test - make test
Test are written using Bats - you can use this plugin, use Docker or use npm install -g bats
running all the test: bats tests/
running a single file: ./
# if you want to run it on docker
make run
export PLUGIN_URL=""
# testing specific Github ref - good for reporting a bug
export PLUGIN_GITREF="5dce6968ce77db4ed220d815a99ccd501f82c383"
asdf plugin test bats $PLUGIN_URL --asdf-plugin-gitref $PLUGIN_GITREF bats --version
# testing a spec version, branch
export PLUGIN_VERSION="master"
asdf plugin test bats $PLUGIN_URL --asdf-tool-version $PLUGIN_VERSION bats --version
builds a docker image where theasdf
is already preinstalled
and source-code of plugin copied to the asdf's plugin folder;
Example usage:
make build-ubuntu
make run-ubuntu
# check current version of asdf
asdf version
# check currently installed plugins
asdf list
# check available versions
asdf list all bats
# install Bats
asdf install bats v1.2.1
bats --version
make clean-ubuntu