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added checks for FXSPR and F from catch in projections and vectorized…
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timjmiller committed Apr 23, 2021
1 parent 9e0141b commit 189b6ce
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Showing 11 changed files with 132 additions and 37 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/compare_wham_models.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#' \item{\code{$alpha}}{scalar, (1-alpha)\% confidence intervals will be plotted. Default = 0.05 for 95\% CI.}
#' \item{\code{$ages.lab}}{vector, overwrite model age labels.}
#' \item{\code{$kobe.yr}}{integer, which year to use in Kobe plot (relative status). Default = terminal model year.}
#' \item{\code{$M.age}}{integer, which age to use in M time-series plot. Default = `data$which_F_age` (age of F to use for full total F).}
#' \item{\code{$M.age}}{integer, which age to use in M time-series plot. Default = `max(data$which_F_age)` (max age of F to use for full total F).}
#' \item{\code{$return.ggplot}}{T/F, return a list of ggplot2 objects for later modification? Default = TRUE.}
#' }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Returning AIC/rho table for WHAM models only.
if(is.null(plot.opts$ages.lab)) plot.opts$ages.lab <- paste0(1:dim(x[[1]]$MAA)[2], c(rep("",dim(x[[1]]$MAA)[2]-1),"+"))
if(!no.wham) plot.opts$M.age <- wham.mods[[1]]$env$data$which_F_age
if(!no.wham) plot.opts$M.age <- max(wham.mods[[1]]$env$data$which_F_age)
if(is.null(plot.opts$M.age)) plot.opts$M.age <- dim(x[[1]]$MAA)[2]

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75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions R/fit_wham.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ fit_wham = function(input, n.newton = 3, do.sdrep = TRUE, do.retro = TRUE, n.pee
btime <- Sys.time()
mod <- fit_tmb(mod, n.newton = n.newton, do.sdrep = do.sdrep, do.check = do.check, save.sdrep = save.sdrep)
mod$runtime = round(difftime(Sys.time(), btime, units = "mins"),2) # don't count retro or proj in runtime
mod = check_FXSPR(mod)
if(mod$env$data$do_proj==1) mod = check_projF(mod) #projections added.

# retrospective analysis
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,3 +140,76 @@ fit_wham = function(input, n.newton = 3, do.sdrep = TRUE, do.retro = TRUE, n.pee


check_FXSPR = function(mod)
percentSPR_out = exp(mod$rep$log_SPR_FXSPR - mod$rep$log_SPR0)
ind = which(round(percentSPR_out,4) != round(mod$env$data$percentSPR/100,4))
for(i in 1:2)
if(mod$env$data$n_years_proj) years = mod$years_full
else years = mod$years
redo_SPR_years = years[ind]
print(paste(redo_SPR_years, collapse = ","))
warning(paste0("Changing initial values for estimating FXSPR for years ", paste(redo_SPR_years, collapse = ","), "."))
mod$env$data$FXSPR_init[ind] = mod$env$data$FXSPR_init[ind]*0.5
mod$rep = mod$report(mod$opt$par)
percentSPR_out = exp(mod$rep$log_SPR_FXSPR - mod$rep$log_SPR0)
ind = which(round(percentSPR_out,4) != round(mod$env$data$percentSPR/100,4))
if(!length(ind)) break
if(length(ind)) warning(paste0("Still bad initial values and estimates of FXSPR for years ", paste(years[ind], collapse = ","), "."))

check_projF = function(mod)
proj_F_opt = mod$env$data$proj_F_opt
ind = which(proj_F_opt == 3) #FXSPR
y = mod$env$data$n_years_model + ind
bad = which(round(exp(mod$rep$log_FXSPR[y]),4) != round(mod$rep$FAA_tot[cbind(y,mod$env$data$which_F_age)],4))
redo_SPR_years = mod$years_full[y[bad]]
warning(paste0("Changing initial values for estimating FXSPR used to define F in projection years ", paste(redo_SPR_years, collapse = ","), "."))
mod$env$data$F_init_proj[ind[bad]] = mod$env$data$FXSPR_init_proj[y[bad]]
mod$rep = mod$report(mod$opt$par)
bad = which(round(exp(mod$rep$log_FXSPR[y]),4) != round(mod$rep$FAA_tot[cbind(y,mod$env$data$which_F_age)],4))
y_bad_FXSPR = mod$years_full[y[bad]]
if(length(bad)) warning(paste0("Still bad initial values and estimates of FXSPR used to define F in projection years ", paste(y_bad_FXSPR, collapse = ","), "."))
ind = which(proj_F_opt == 5) #Find F from catch
y = mod$env$data$n_years_model + ind
bad = which(round(mod$env$data$data$proj_Fcatch[ind],4) != round(sum(mod$rep$pred_catch[y,]),4))
for(i in 1:2)
redo_Catch_years = mod$years_full[y[bad]]
warning(paste0("Changing initial values for finding F from Catch in projection years ", paste(redo_Catch_years, collapse = ","), , "."))
mod$env$data$F_init_proj[ind[bad]] = mod$env$data$F_init_proj[ind[bad]]*0.5
mod$rep = mod$report(mod$opt$par)
bad = which(round(mod$env$data$data$proj_Fcatch[ind],4) != round(sum(mod$rep$pred_catch[y,]),4))
if(!length(bad)) break
y_bad_Fcatch = mod$years_full[y[bad]]
if(length(bad)) warning(paste0("Still bad initial values for finding F from Catch in projection years ", paste(y_bad_Fcatch, collapse = ","), , "."))
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion R/prepare_projection.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,9 +136,14 @@ prepare_projection = function(model, proj.opts)
# capture.output(cat(c("use.last.F","use.avg.F","use.FXSPR","proj.F","proj.catch")[data$proj_F_opt])),"",sep='\n'))
# }

data$FXSPR_init = c(data$FXSPR_init,rep(data$FXSPR_init[data$n_years_model], data$n_years_proj))
data$FMSY_init_proj = c(data$FMSY_init,rep(data$FMSY_init[data$n_years_model], data$n_years_proj))
data$F_proj_init = rep(0.1, data$n_years_proj)
data$F_proj_init[which(data$proj_F_opt == 3)] = data$FXSPR_init[which(data$proj_F_opt == 3)]
data$F_proj_init[which(data$proj_F_opt == 6)] = data$FMSY_init[which(data$proj_F_opt == 6)]
#define age for full F in projections
FAA_proj = colMeans(rbind(model$rep$FAA_tot[avg.yrs.ind,]))
data$which_F_age = which(FAA_proj == max(FAA_proj))[1]
data$which_F_age = c(data$which_F_age, rep(which(FAA_proj == max(FAA_proj))[1], data$n_years_proj))

# modify data objects for projections (pad with average over avg.yrs): mature, fracyr_SSB, waa
avg_cols = function(x) apply(x, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion R/prepare_wham_input.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ without changing ASAP file, specify M$initial_means.")

# data$recruit_model = 2 #random about mean
data$N1_model = 0 #0: just age-specific numbers at age
data$which_F_age = data$n_ages #plus group by default used to define full F and F RP IN projections, only. prepare_projection changes it to properly define selectivity for projections.
data$which_F_age = rep(data$n_ages,data$n_years_model) #plus group by default used to define full F and F RP IN projections, only. prepare_projection changes it to properly define selectivity for projections.
data$use_steepness = 0 #use regular SR parameterization by default, steepness still can be estimated as derived par.
data$bias_correct_pe = 1 #bias correct log-normal process errors?
data$bias_correct_oe = 1 #bias correct log-normal observation errors?
Expand All @@ -552,6 +552,7 @@ without changing ASAP file, specify M$initial_means.")
# data$XSPR_R_opt = 3 #1(3): use annual R estimates(predictions) for annual SSB_XSPR, 2(4): use average R estimates(predictions). See next line for years to average over.
data$XSPR_R_opt = 2 # default = use average R estimates
data$XSPR_R_avg_yrs = 1:data$n_years_model #model year indices (TMB, starts @ 0) to use for averaging recruitment when defining SSB_XSPR (if XSPR_R_opt = 2,4)

model_years <- asap3$year1 + 1:asap3$n_years - 1

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -918,6 +919,10 @@ Ex: ",ecov$label[i]," in ",years[1]," affects ", c('recruitment','M')[data$Ecov_
data$proj_M_opt <- 0
data$logR_mean <- 0 # only used for SCAA projections
data$logR_sd <- 0 # only used for SCAA projections
data$FXSPR_init = rep(0.1, data$n_years_model + data$n_years_proj)
data$FMSY_init = rep(0.1, data$n_years_model + data$n_years_proj)
data$F_proj_init = 0

# data$obsvec[data$keep_I[data$use_indices==1]+1] - log(data$agg_indices[data$use_indices==1])
# data$obsvec[data$keep_E[data$Ecov_use_obs==1]+1] - data$Ecov_obs[data$Ecov_use_obs==1]

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/prepare_wham_om_input.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ without changing ASAP file, specify M$initial_means.")

# data$recruit_model = 2 #random about mean
data$N1_model = 0 #0: just age-specific numbers at age
data$which_F_age = data$n_ages #plus group by default used to define full F and F RP IN projections, only. prepare_projection changes it to properly define selectivity for projections.
data$which_F_age = rep(data$n_ages,data$n_years_model) #plus group by default used to define full F and F RP IN projections, only. prepare_projection changes it to properly define selectivity for projections.
data$use_steepness = basic_info$use_steepness #0: regular SR parameterization by default, steepness still can be estimated as derived par.
data$bias_correct_pe = 0 #bias correct log-normal process errors?
data$bias_correct_oe = 0 #bias correct log-normal observation errors?
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/prepare_wham_om_proj.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ prepare_wham_om_proj = function(om_input, proj.opts)

#define age for full F in projections
FAA_proj = colMeans(rbind(rep$FAA_tot[avg.yrs.ind,]))
data$which_F_age = which(FAA_proj == max(FAA_proj))[1]
data$which_F_age = c(data$which_F_age, rep(which(FAA_proj == max(FAA_proj))[1], data$n_years_proj))

# modify data objects for projections (pad with average over avg.yrs): mature, fracyr_SSB, waa
avg_cols = function(x) apply(x, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions R/project_wham.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,3 +125,5 @@ project_wham = function(model, proj.opts=list(n.yrs=3, use.last.F=TRUE, use.avg.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/update_wham_input.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ Ex: ",ecov$label[i]," in ",years[1]," affects ", c('recruitment','M')[data$Ecov_
#par$log_F1 = rep(-2, data$n_fleets)
F = matrix(NA, nym,data$n_fleets)
par$F_devs = matrix(0, nym-1, data$n_fleets)
for(i in 1:data$n_fleets) par$F_devs[,i] = diff(log(simres$FAA[1:nym,i,data$which_F_age]))
for(i in 1:data$n_fleets) par$F_devs[,i] = diff(log(simres$FAA[cbind(1:nym,i,data$which_F_age[1:nym])]))

#par$F_devs = matrix(0, data$n_years_model-1, data$n_fleets)
#if(data$N1_model == 1) par$log_N1_pars = c(10,log(0.1))
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions inst/example_scripts/ex8_compare_asap.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
# devtools::install_github("timjmiller/wham", ref="devel", dependencies=TRUE)

# devtools::load_all("~/Documents/wham/") # test locally (not yet pushed to github)
# devtools::load_all("~/work/wham/wham")
# devtools::install_github("timjmiller/wham", ref="devel", dependencies=TRUE)
# devtools::install_github("timjmiller/wham", dependencies=TRUE)
Expand All @@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ main.dir <- "/home/bstock/Documents/wham/sandbox/wham_testing/runall-20210330"
wham.dir <- find.package("wham")
asap.dir <- file.path(wham.dir,"extdata","BASE_3")
# asap.dir <- "/home/bstock/Documents/wham/inst/extdata/BASE_3"
# asap.dir <- "~/work/wham/wham/inst/extdata/BASE_3"

if(!dir.exists(main.dir)) dir.create(main.dir)
write.dir <- file.path(main.dir,"ex8")
Expand Down

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