Resume Builder is an HTML and PDF resume builder made in Ruby with Middleman. Allows you to keep your resume content in a text-based YAML file, that can be be rendered as an HTML view for the web, and as a PDF view for download and printing.
It has the following features:
- Separation between content and style, all your resume content is a YAML file.
- Supports 13 different resume section types
- Can optionally include a gravatar photo
- Markdown/HTML for formatting of the longer paragraphs.
- You can preview your changes with Middleman's included server (with livereload).
- Automatic PDF generation using wkhtmltopdf.
If you forked to your own repo:
git clone<yourusername>/resume-builder.git
cd resume-builder
git clone
cd resume-builder
Install all dependencies:
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
See the result: sample resume.
Build the static version of your resume, it'll also create the PDF version.
bundle exec middleman build
bundle exec middleman deploy
Upload it to a Github page. Your resume will be available at
bundle exec middleman
You can preview your resume at http://localhost:4567/
To create/update your resume, you'll just need to edit the data/resume.yml
All keys with a desc: |
header can be Markdown formatted.
Here is what it looks like:
name: Jonathan Doe
shortdesc: Web Designer, Director
email: [email protected]
phone: (313) - 867-5309
- 123 Fake Street
- City, Country
desc: |
You can put Markdown in here [like this](
Here is a description of each of the currently supported sections of a resume. A section is a content component that can be included in the resume yml data file.
The following section types are currently supported:
- Headers
- Contact Info
- Links
- Summary
- Skills
- Jobs
- Education
- Certifications
- Projects
- Volunteering
- Languages
- Interests
To generate a PDF from your HTML file, I recommend this free online conversion
Use the following settings:
Page Size: Letter
Margin: 60
The pdf section is used to describe details of the resume PDF that will be generated.
filename: TimothyFisher-Resume
useicons: true
role: developer
The headers section allows you to specify the names of sections that will be used within the resume. For example, given the headers section shown below, the profile section will be labeled as 'Summary' and the jobs sections will be labled as "Experience".
profile: Summary
jobs: Experience
education: Education
skills: Skills
download: Download PDF
This section is used to provide basic contact infor for the resume user.
name: Timothy Fisher
photo: false
email: [email protected]
phone: (555) 555-1234
street: 555 Springwells
city: Detroit
state: MI
postal_code: 48134
I am a passionate developer and leader with nearly 30 years of industry experience in roles that include
both hands-on and leadership positions across organizations that range from small startups to large enterprises.
I am a passionate developer and leader with 29 years of software development experience in roles
including Chief Technology Officer, VP of Engineering, Chief Architect, and Director of Mobile Development,
along with many years of hands-on development experience.
- Team Leadership & Management
- Microservices Architecture
- Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, EngineYard
- Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, Node.js, React, ReactNative, Java, Swift, HTML, CSS
- title: Senior Java Architect
company: LogicaCMG
brief: false
include: brief
city: Southfield
state: MI
start: 2003, February
end: 2006, May
desc: |
Worked on a Web-based single login project for Ford Motor Company. Responsibilities include assisting with
architecture, analysis, design, coding, and testing. Environment consisted of Websphere Application Server
- title: Development Team Lead
company: MedCharge
brief: false
city: Ann Arbor
state: MI
start: 2002, February
end: 2003, January
desc: |
Led the J2EE development team at MedCharge, a startup whose product was a health care application
used within the University of Michigan Medical Center. The product allows hospital staff to capture all
- name: University of Michigan
degree: B.S. Electrical Engineering
start: Sept 1986
end: May 1991
- name: Capella University
degree: M.S. Education
start: Sept 2001
end: May 2003