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Bomberman is a ticking timebomb Trojan (TTT) specific verification tool that identifies suspicious state-saving components (SSCs) in a hardware design that could potentially be part of a TTT. Bomberman starts by assuming all SSCs are suspicious, and subsequently classifies each SSC as benign if it expresses values that violate a set of TTT-specific invariants (below) during verification simulations. Specifically, the set of invariants that define TTB SSC behavior are:

  1. values must never be repeated without a system reset, and
  2. all possible values must never be expressed without triggering the Trojan.

Bomberman consists of two main stages as shown in Figure 1:

  1. SSC Identification
  2. SSC Classification

Figure 1: Bomberman Architecture

The SSC Identification stage locates all SSCs in a hardware design described in Verilog. It is broken into two stages: 1) Data-Flow Graph (DFG) Generation, and 2) SSC Enumeration. During DFG Generation, a data-flow graph describing bit-level signal dependencies is generated from the HDL using a custom Icarus Verilog (IVL) compiler back-end. The DFG is encoded in the Graphviz .dot format, and passed to the SSC Enumeration stage. The SSC Enumeration stage analyzes the DFG and enumerates all signals that are the direct output of SSCs. There are two types of SSCs that are identified: coalesced and distributed. This list of SSCs is then passed to the SSC Classification for further processing.

The SSC Classification stage analyzes verification simulations, in the value change dump (VCD) format, to check if any SSC violates either invariant (above) that indicates it is benign. SSCs that do not violate either invariant are reported to the user (in the form of JSON files) to be further manually scrutinized.

Technical Paper

A technical paper describing Bomberman has been accepted to appear at the 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.


We provide a Dockerfile and four example circuits to demonstrate Bomberman on. To use it, follow the steps below to build the Docker image (containing all required tools and dependencies) and run Bomberman in a container. The four example circuits we provide to demonstrate Bomberman on are: a 128-bit AES accelerator (TrustHub), an 8-bit UART module (OpenCores), an OR1200 CPU (OpenCores), and a PicoRV32 CPU.

1. Clone Repository

git clone

2. Build Docker Image

  1. cd bomberman
  2. install Docker
  3. add your user to the docker group
  4. make build-infra
  5. grab a cup of coffee, step 4 could take a while :)

Note: if you would like to setup your own environment to use our toolchain, take a look at the Dockerfile for all required dependencies.

3. Run Bomberman on Four Circuits in a Docker Container

make all

The above command invokes the shell script within a container. This script navigates to each circuit directory (e.g., circuits/<circuit>), and invokes a master Makefile: circuits/ This Makefile does three things. First, it executes the data-flow graph generator, which generates a .dot file encoding the data-flow graph for the given hardware design. Second, IVL is invoked to simulate the hardware design and generate a .vcd file encoding the simulation trace. Third, the Bomberman script is invoked to: 1) Enumerate all SSCs in the target hardware design, and 2) Classify each SSC as suspicious or benign. Lastly, the number of suspicious SSCs computed at different points throughout the simulation are output into several .json files.

Directory Structure


The circuits/ directory contains test bench harnesses and Makefiles for four example hardware designs to test Bomberman on. These designs are: a 128-bit AES accelerator (CNTR mode only), a UART core, an OR1200 CPU, and the PicoRV32 RISC-V CPU (see above).


The bomberman/ directory contains the Python scripts that implement the SSC Enumeration and SSC Classification stages (Figure 1). The main script is contained in


The bomberman sub-directory contains three hardware designs and corresponding test benches to exercise the Bomberman toolchain. See the Testing section below for how to test bomberman on these designs.

The tgt-dfg sub-directory contains 62 regression tests (i.e., hardware designs) to exercise the IVL compiler back-end data-flow graph generator and verify its correctness. See the Testing section below for how to execute these tests.

TGT-DFG (Data-Flow Graph Generator)

The tgt-dfg/ directory contains the IVL compiler back-end data-flow graph generator that implements part of the SSC Identification stage.

Third Party

The third_party directory contains the RTL and supporting software for the four example circuits we provide (above) to demonstrate Bomberman's utility.

Development in the Container

In our project-wide Makefile (in the root project directory) we include a target to launch a shell within a container and mount source directories into the container to jumpstart development. To use this target simply run (after the Docker image has been built):

make dev


1. Data-Flow Graph Generator

There are 62 regression tests to verify the correctness of the data-flow graph generator contained in the tgt-dfg IVL back-end target module. Each regression test consists of a small circuit, described in Verilog, that exercises the data-flow graph generator's ability to handle various Verilog syntax and expressions. All 62 regression tests should run, but only 61 tests should pass. This is due to a minor (known) error in the way the graph-generator handles duplicate signals in a concatenation, and will be fixed in a future release.

Each regression test generates a .dot file describing a data-flow graph from a simple test circuit. The resulting graph is automatically checked for correctness against provided gold examples. Additionally a PDF respresentation is generated for manual inspection of correctness, but this requires Graphviz to be installed. If you run these tests within the provide Docker image, this dependency is already installed.

To run all 62 regression tests run:

  1. make dev (launch shell in container)
  2. cd tgt-dfg && make && cd .. (compile and install tgt-dfg)
  3. cd tests/tgt-dfg && make test

2. Bomberman E2E Testing

There are three test circuits to verify the correctness of the entire Bomberman toolchain, from the data-flow graph generator to the simulation analysis scripts (Figure 1). Each test is comprised of a small circuit design, and an associated test bench that excerises the design. The three circuits are: a simple counter (counter/), a D flip-flop (d_ff/), and a simple combinational circuit (split/).

To run all three tests run:

  1. make dev (launch shell in container, if not launched already)
  2. cd tests/bomberman
  3. make all

To run only a single regression test use: make <design>, where <design> is either counter, d_ff, or split.

HDL Data-flow Graph Generation

Bomberman's data-flow graph generator (DFGG) can be utilized independently of Bomberman for performing various static analyses of a circuit's HDL. The DFGG is simply an Icarus Verilog (IVL) compiler back-end that generates data-flow graphs in the Graphviz .dot format. For an example of how to invoke it, check out the circuits/ Makefile.

Plotting Bomberman Results

There are several Jupyter Notebooks for plotting the output of Bomberman (encoded in .json files). The notebooks are located in the circuits/plots directory. These can be used to reproduce plots from the technical paper (linked above).

Distribution Statement

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

This material is based upon work supported by the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering under Air Force Contract No. FA8702-15-D-0001. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering.

© 2019 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

MIT Proprietary, Subject to FAR52.227-11 Patent Rights - Ownership by the contractor (May 2014)

The software/firmware is provided to you on an As-Is basis

Delivered to the U.S. Government with Unlimited Rights, as defined in DFARS Part 252.227-7013 or 7014 (Feb 2014). Notwithstanding any copyright notice, U.S. Government rights in this work are defined by DFARS 252.227-7013 or DFARS 252.227-7014 as detailed above. Use of this work other than as specifically authorized by the U.S. Government may violate any copyrights that exist in this work.