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Starling Ruby Library

The Starling Ruby library provides a simple, idiomatic interface to the Starling Bank API compatible with Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.3 and Ruby 2.2. JRuby is also generally supported, but is currently not tested due to CI limitations.

CircleCI Gem Version

Getting started

Install the gem by adding it to your Gemfile, and then run bundle:

gem 'starling-ruby', '~> 0.2.0', require: 'starling'

You'll need to get a personal access token for your Starling account. To get set up, head to the Starling Developers "Get Started" page and then scroll down to the "Personal Access" section for instructions.

At the moment, the library is not designed to support OAuth applications (it can't handle refreshing access tokens) or endpoints requiring the pay-local:create scope, which is not granted to personal access tokens.

You can now initialise the client, providing your access token, and optionally an environment (either :sandbox or :production, defaulting to :production):

starling =
  access_token: ENV['STARLING_ACCESS_TOKEN'],
  # Omit the line below to use the default production environment
  environment: :sandbox,


Now you've initialised a Starling::Client with your access token, you can start making requests to the API.

All APIs are supported except "Get Photo" under the Contact API (it doesn't seem to actually be possible to set a photo...) and the Payment APIs for creating an immediate or scheduled payment (which are not supported for personal access tokens).

See below for a few simple examples, or head to our full documentation for complete details:

Check your balance

balance = starling.account_balance.get
puts "Your balance is #{balance.amount} #{balance.currency}!"

Fetch information about your account

account = starling.account.get
puts "Your sort code is #{account.sort_code} and your account number is " \

List transactions

transaction = starling.transactions.list.first
puts "Your most recent transaction was for #{transaction.amount} on " \

Fetch a transaction by ID

transaction = starling.transactions.get("insert-uuid-here")
puts "Your transaction was for #{transaction.amount} on #{transaction.created}"

Fetch a merchant by ID

merchant = starling.merchants.get("insert-uuid-here")
puts "You can call #{} on #{merchant.phone_number}"

Fetch a merchant location by ID

merchant_location = starling.merchant_locations.get(

puts "This location for #{merchant_location.merchant_name} is called " \


Here, we'll keep a list of applications using the library for reference and inspiration:

  • Starling Terminal - a tool that lets you view your Starling Bank statement right from your terminal


Once you've initialised a Starling::Client, it exposes a number of services (living in lib/starling/services) which have methods calling out to the API.

Philosophically, these services represent "kinds of things" (i.e. resources) returned by or manipulated by the API. These do not necessarily match up with the APIs listed in Starling's documentation, which is grouped slightly differently.

The benefit is that we can have a small, predictable set of methods in our services exposing API endpoints: #get, #list, #create and #delete.

This is best shown through an example - let's look at the Merchant API. It has two endpoints listed under it: "Get Merchant" and "Get Location". The former operates on a "kind of thing" called a "contact", and the latter operates on a "kind of thing" called a "contact account". You could potentially group these together, but then you'd have to have a slightly odd method name (something like get_location). Instead, we keep things consistent, like follows:

starling.merchant_locations.get(merchant_id, merchant_location_id)

Other parts of the Starling Bank API exhibit similar difficulties - for example, the Contact API operates on Contacts, Contact Accounts and Contact Photos.

Methods on the services for accessing the API return resources (found in lib/starling/resources), arrays of resources or, rarely, Faraday::Responses in the case of DELETE requests.

Backwards compatability

This gem is versioned using Semantic Versioning, so you can be confident when updating that there will not be breaking changes outside of a major version (following format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, so for instance moving from 2.3.0 to 3.0.0 would be allowed to include incompatible API changes). See for details on what has changed in each version.

Until we reach v1.0, minor versions may contain backwards-incompatible changes, as the API stabilises. Any such changes will be flagged in the changelog.


The library must pass code checks by RSpec, Rubocop and Reek:

  • bundle exec rspec spec: checks the library against automated tests we've written
  • bundle exec rubocop: checks the code against established Ruby code style
  • bundle exec reek lib: checks the code for "code smells"

As part of our continuous integration (CI) process, we run RSpec, Rubocop and Reek in CircleCI on Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.3 and Ruby 2.2. Feel free to push up your branch and open a pull request to have Circle test your code.


All contributions are welcome - just make a pull request, making sure you include tests and documentation for any public methods, and write a good, informative commit message/pull request body.

Check out to learn about how we can best work together as an open source community to make the Starling Ruby library as good as it can be.


A Ruby library for accessing the Starling Bank ( API



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