c0eedb5 feature(Tinebase) get/merge data methods for client side stores
6ee6367 feature(Felamimail/js): Make distribution lists optionally accessible for system users
f62e31f feature(Calendar CalDav Sync) sync from remote caldav source
a83cd2b fix(Tinebase) json fields double encoded from UI
cd7918c fix(Tinebase): store removed state not maintained on explicit remove
a9db945 fix(Tinebase): setData not working for client records
c27e069 fix(Tinebase): phantom records not recognised
9e4ebf5 fix(Tinebase): recordspicker not working in generic dlgs
aadd4b7 fix(Tinebase): converted records are not modified (ui)
8134357 fix(Sales/Invoice): new created invoice with cleared status should have invoice number
7114521 fix(Addressbook): set container after record load, so it is not overwritten
700b0d6 fix(Tinebase/Setup/Update/17.1): flysystem update script needs to run first
3f92e7f fix(Filemanager/js): allow filepicker create file in source mode
00ac4bd fix(Sales): reload eval_dim pickers after category change
ac4fb6f fix(Tinebase): Application Starter tries to get App that is not initalized yet
0a69a4f fix(Felamimail/js): enable email edit action for draft and template folders
c4045ef fix(Felamimail/js): always get html editor if content type is not plain text
b31541e fix(Filemanager): enable tbar in NotificationGridPanel
047db19 tweak(HR Employee) resolve employee contract notes
35a446a tweak(TB FileSystem) allow flysystem mounts on existing nodes of a different flysystem
af896ac tweak(Setup/Controller): installFromDump should skipQueueCheck
139643f tweak(scripts/changelog): also show tweak commits by default
2a6a608 tweak(Sales): allow new addresses in denomalized document adr fields
0f83fbf tweak(Inventory/Status): add more inventory statuses
bd6a90c tweak(TB User) fix undeleting users via undo
72afe5b tweak(TB User) fix undeleting users via undo
2e10577 tweak(Tinebase) allow isModified for complete record (UI)
9ce6fe5 tweak(Tinebase): allow server to publish searchCombo cfg for records fields
4ebde62 tweak(Tinebase): allow to loadData from json in picker panels
51c736c tweak(Tinebase): optionally allow multiple picks of same record in picker panels
92db253 tweak(Tinebase) allow to display records fields in grids
71d0b2f tweak(Tinebase): dark mode empty text
88e94e8 tweak(Tinebase): flysystem ui
1c49a49 tweak(Calendar): use upstram converter to have expanded system cf's
924bfac tweak(TB EvalDim) add getByName func to ctrl
dbd02dd tweak(SSO oauth) set credential cache on login
d73c23b tweak(Sales): better address line docu/usage
0971abd tweak(Felamimail/js): log more attachment preview cache data
1b24a72 tweak(Tb EvalDim) add doublicate check on name
3f9cf01 tweak(composer/scripts): add phpcbf
ab1df30 tweak(Tinebase/Export): skip invalid keyfields
c5aa9d0 tweak(Tasks): change label of Organizer
315e684 tweak(Felamimail): Add "delete" option in image context menu
a1d4a3c tweak(Cal Event/Attende) make notifications/converter work with email_att/org