Pleasant Android + Kotlin logging by DokiDevs. Inspired by Timber
+ AnkoLogger
- Use different
for different builds. Similar to how you plant your tree inTimber
. - Get subclass name directly like
. You can only get parent class viaTimber
. - Enable / disable logging at class level via
. - Everything is extendable! Customise
to suit your needs!
In your Application
class, create a LogProfile
with a unique name and add it to DokiLog
IMPORTANT: Default LogProfile
is suitable for DEBUG purpose only. Do not use it for RELEASE!!
class DemoApplication: Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
// Use the default log profile and give it a name, this should be sufficient for most cases.
} else {
// You should always customise your LogProfile for release use!! Beware of information leak!!!
Similar to AnkoLogger
, implements DokiLog
interface to your class and start logging!
Default format of log print is {filterTag} - {subClass} | {method}: {message}
open class BaseActivity: AppCompatActivity(), DokiLog {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
v("This is called from BaseActivity")
// v for VERBOSE, d for DEBUG... etc.
// Output: Doki - BaseActivity | onCreate: This is called from BaseActivity
// Output: Doki - BaseActivity | onCreate: called
// Empty argument will automatically replace message with 'called'.
// This is useful for tracking method call sequence.
Continuing from above, you can extend BaseActivity
and the log will still be printed.
Notice that the class name is DemoActivity
even though the log for onCreate
is called in BaseActivity
class DemoActivity: BaseActivity() {
override onResume() {
v("This is called from DemoActivity")
// Output:
// Doki - DemoActivity | onCreate: This is called from BaseActivity
// Doki - DemoActivity | onResume: This is called from DemoActivity
You can disable logging for a specific class by calling
class DemoActivity: BaseActivity() {
override val enableClassLog: Boolean
get() = false
// Set this to FALSE and all logs related to DemoActivity (including those called in BaseActivity)
// will not be shown. However, if you mark this as FALSE in BaseActivity, and TRUE in DemoActivity,
// all logs will still be shown. The control lies with the last class which overrides this value.
IMPORTANT: Default LogProfile
is suitable for DEBUG purpose only. Do not use it for RELEASE!!
To customise, extend LogProfile
. Some main methods to override are as below.
class ReleaseLogProfile: LogProfile("Release") { // Give it a unique profile name
init {
// Give it a new filter tag if you wish to. Default = "Doki"
// This is useful for filtering in logcat.
filterTag = "MyAppName"
// Modify priority for certain devices
override fun adjustPriority(priority: Int): Int {
if (Build.MANUFACTURER.equals("huawei", true) ||
Build.MANUFACTURER.equals("samsung", true)
) {
if (priority == Log.VERBOSE || priority == Log.DEBUG) {
return Log.INFO
return priority
// Only log for ERROR and ASSERT
override fun isLoggable(priority: Int): Boolean {
return priority == Log.ERROR || priority == Log.ASSERT
// Use the parent class name instead of subclass name (as shown in example above)
override fun getTag(className: String, stackTraceElement: StackTraceElement): String {
val tag = "$filterTag - ${stackTraceElement.className} | ${stackTraceElement.methodName}"
if (tag.length <= MAX_TAG_LENGTH || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
return tag
return tag.substring(0, MAX_TAG_LENGTH)
For further information, see
See app/demo
section for more.
In the project Gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
In the app Gradle:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.tingyik90:dokilog:version'
Copyright 2018 Saw Ting Yik
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.