😍 I enjoy working with back-end architectures the most. I have actually created a few tutorials on working with NodeJs, Heroku, Knex, Postgres, Express.
NodeJS, Heroku, Postgres, Knex, Express Tutorial Repository 🤪 I am also a huge fan of React-Redux, having created a tutorial for that as well.
🔭 I’m currently working on a modernization effort to bring a legacy environment into the next millennium. Working as the lead UI developer for all all in one new-age portal.
🌱 I’m always loooking and learning to expand my knowledge.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any opportunity to expand my knowledge of Python, JavaScript, NodeJs, Express, Postgres, ReactJs, GraphQL, and Apollo.
⚡ Fun fact: Did you know... that whales can communicate at a distance of up to 100 miles!!