Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL) has proven itself to be an effective method for reducing sample complexity of reinforcement learning algorithms by partitioning the state space into regions in which a particular policy called an option is effective. The predominant implementation has been with a two level system where the bottom level contains a variety of options, and the top level has one policy which chooses between the options.
Scaling this seemingly recursive design to three levels or more introduces more complications, but has the potential benefit of being able to learn long term policies or strategies and also being able to perform multiple tasks without drops in performance after learning a new task. One major issue with HRL and especially with hierarchies with three or more layers is how options should be discovered. Formaly, an option is a policy π_h which has a set of initiation states, and a set of termination states. These are not easy to learn and many algorithms involve hand desiging options.
This project explores how options for HRL can be formed by adapting the Diversity Is All You Need (DIAYN) algorithm to a n level hierarchy. DIAYN is an option discovery method which uses entropy maximization and mutual information bewteen options and the states they visit to force options which are all equally effective and as diverse as possible. Since these options were discovered without the task being known, they can also be re-used for multiple tasks. My goal with this project is to adapt DIAYN and hopefully show that it is able to learn a hierarchy which can solve 3 ATARI ram environments simultaneously better than existing algorithms.
- Miniconda or Anaconda
- CUDA compatible GPU
Open a terminal within the repository. create a conda env pip3 install -r requirements.txt Train command: Test pre-trained model:
Contains presentations I made over the year
Contains weekly progress reports
Scratchwork contains algorithms I implemented Research Papers includes a list of preprints I referenced Main is where the actual project is Main/results is where test results, gifs, models, graphs are stored Main/agents includes implementations of various reinforcement learning algorithms by Petros Christodoulou Test results are where graphs and such are stored
I would like to thank Petros Christodoulou for his soft actor critic implementation and Dr.White for his guidance without which would have made this project more difficult. https://github.com/p-christ/Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Algorithms-with-PyTorch