This is a rewrite of Tosh, my text-based Scratch project editor.
This version is open-source, with a readable, modern codebase.
- Project player thanks to Nathan's Phosphorus, as before
- Uses Nearley for parsing. (Originally Tosh used a home-grown Earley parser for performance reasons; I've now rolled lots of perf improvements into Nearley :-))
- Uses my optimised lexer Moo
- Uses nearley-reverse for transforming Scratch AST into Tosh code (on load); this is the opposite of parsing, which happens on save/run
- Uses Nathan's v2 for views, model, undo, menus, etc
Load/save seems to work
Importing / compiling scripts is there, but needs extensive testing & improvement
Measuring scripts is fully implemented & tested (so we can "clean up" when saving to sb2)
Playing projects seems to work
No sprite management
No costume management (nor am I particularly interested in adding this!)
Highlighting almost works
Completion is in-progress but goodness it's a difficult problem
Future plans:
- A desktop version for Win/Mac based on my unreleased lightweight Electron clone
git clone --recursive
cd tosh2
echo ';window.P = P' >> phosphorus/phosphorus.js
yarn grammar && yarn test
yarn start
If someone wants to set up browserify/babelify for bundling, that would be excellent