Kstone is an etcd management platform, providing cluster management, monitoring, backup, inspection, data migration, visual viewing of etcd data, and intelligent diagnosis.
Kstone will help you efficiently manage etcd clusters, significantly reduce operation and maintenance costs, discover potential hazards in time, and improve the stability and user experience of k8s etcd storage.
- Supports registration of existing clusters and creation of new etcd clusters.
- Support prometheus monitoring, built-in rich etcd grafana panel diagram.
- Support multiple data backup methods (minute-level backup to object storage, real-time backup by deploying learner).
- Support multiple inspection strategies (data consistency, health, hot write requests, number of resource objects, etc.).
- Built-in web console and visual view etcd data.
- Lightweight, easy to install.
- Support data migration(to do list).
- Support intelligent diagnosis(to do list).
Kstone consists of 5 components: kstone-etcdcluster-controller,kstone-etcd-operator,kstone-etcdinspection-controller,kstone-api, kstone-dashboard.
kstone consists of kstone-etcdcluster-controller,kstone-etcdinspection-controller,kstone-api.
kstone-etcd-operator provides rich etcd cluster management capabilities. please refer to kstone-etcd-operator document page for more information.
The web management system provided by kstone is as follows:
Please read the detailed installation document, You can quickly install kstone through helm.
Please refer to document page for more information.
mkdir -p ~/tkestack
cd ~/tkestack
git clone https://github.com/tkestack/kstone
cd kstone
For any question or support, feel free to contact us via:
- Join #Kstone Slack channel
- Join WeChat Group Discussion (Join the group by adding kstone assistant WeChat and reply "kstone")
- You are encouraged to communicate most things via GitHub issues or pull requests.
Kstone is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.