An old historical view of AKA The RenderMan Repository.
This is a snapshot (aprox. 2010) of also known as The RenderMan Repository.
In its day it was the goto resource for RenderMan related information. In fact it was a source that Pixar referred to when Toy Story was released. Also many people teaching RenderMan would refer to it as a resource.
A lot has changed with RenderMan and the RenderMan community since then. The intention is to provide the snapshot as a historical reference. Namely once again provide access to the RenderMan SIGGRAPH courses, Stupid RAT Tricks, and access to various shaders that were on the site.
So far I haven't tried to make the HTML pages and their internal links work (and perhaps, I may not bother). Also, most of the external links are most likely extremely stale. Instead you can manually run through the directories to get at their contents.
Some directories that may be of interest include:
- RMR/Shaders
- RMR/Utils
- gelato/rsl2gsl -- a translator I wrote to convert RenderMan shaders to Gelato shaders
- RMR/Examples -- location of the Stupid RAT Tricks
- RMR/Publications -- RenderMan courses and other items. See Copyright section below.
- st/PRMan_Filtering -- Brent Burley's study with different filtering methods that he did during the movie Bolt and as a precursor to his Ptex work.
The License file invokes the original RMR copyright for the content in the repository.
However, note there are a number of copyrighted materials sitting in the repository where the copyright supersedes the RMR license associated with this git repo. At the time, I was given permission for those copyrighted materials found on the site from the principles. If you want to use them for more than your personal enlightenment, you will need to contact the appropriate parties.