This is a project made for the course MATH-H401 in the first year master degree at the Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles, the main goal of this project is to build a multi-grid solver for linear symmetric sparse problems, resulting from a discretization.
Before compiling make sure you have the following libraries placed at the root folder containing "main.c" :
-PRIMME (pre-compiled) -UMFPACK (pre-compiled)
To compile : "make" command, the executable is by default "./main" To clean all folders : "make clean" command
PRIMME will not run as long as the python script displaying the residual evolution is not closed
Content :
- General multi-grid solver adapted to the project
- PRIMME resolution with preconditionner acceleration ================================================================================
Use :
All modifiable variables are at the top of the main.c file
- Changing to m_depth = 9 for multigrid solver (called in PRIMME)
General parameters :
- ptype --> changing smoothing method
- relaxationOn --> Calculate the best \tau for optimal relaxation
- stabCheck --> checks the stability criterion after computing
- primmePrecond --> Skips or not the eigenvalue problem
- primmePrecondType --> Choose what preconditionner to use in PRIMME
Graphical options :
- showDiffusionMap --> Heat map diffusion problem after computing
- showDiffusionSurface --> Shows the surface of the diffusion problem
- showEigenvalues --> Displays the first mode given by the PRIMME eigenvalue solver
- showResGraph --> Makes a graph of the residual norm ================================================================================