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Repository files navigation


Contents Management System made by elixir + phoenix


After starting phoenix server according to "How To Deploy",

access http://www.localhost:4000 if running on the local server.

Then the initial state is displayed as below.


In order to login to PhoenixCMS, enter http://www.localhost:4000/login.

Login page will be shown.

Enter your e-mail address and password, and push "Submit",then you can login.

Annotation: the initial account is registered to DB by seed data when mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs.

Its e-mail is "[email protected]"and password is "test". For the first time you must login by this account, after that you should change e-mail and password to yours(the method is described below.).

Managing Contents

Title on the header can be set in home_page_local/lib/home_page_web/templates/app.html.eex.

You can manage the DB tables "user", "category", "images", "temporary files" and "component_items"(main contents).

When you succeeded to login, the screen will be displayed as below.

  1. "ログアウト" ("Logout")

    • This button make you logout.
  2. "ユーザーページ" ("User Page")

    • By pushing this button, you can enter the user page.

    • In it, you can change your username, e-mail and password.

    • (When you login or the first time, what you do first is this.)

  3. "カテゴリ" ("Category")

    • This button leads you to the category page. you can edit category table in it.
  4. "画像" ("Images")

    • From this button, you can upload image files(png, jpg).
  5. "tmpファイル" ("Temporary Files")

    • You can upload your local files and download files from server.

    • The setting of uploading file is described in home_page_local/lib/endpoint.ex and can be modified.

    • When you deploy this project on the remote server, the Web server might limit the size of file you try to upload.

    • In this case, edit its setting.

  6. This is the basic format of items.

    • You can edit from "Edit" button and delete from "Delete" button.
  7. This is "blank item".

    • If you set the title of the item, it will be shown as this.

    • Title and discriptions are not shown. Background color is transparent.

    • Only show its thumbnail image if it is set.

    • Basic usage is gap adjustment of items.

    • If your window is smaller than a certain ammount, "blank item" is not shown.

  8. "Add New Item"

    • When you add a item, push this button.
  9. "Preview"

    • If you want to see how the display is shown for users who is not logged in, push this button.


Category table has editable fields "title", "url", "positon" and "color".

  • "title" is the string shown on the green tool-bar in the header.

  • "url" is the string used in URL.

  • In the tool-bar, the order of categories is determined by "position"(ascending).

  • If you do not want some categories to be shown in the tool-bar, you can set "position" 0.

  • "color" determines the title color of the items of that category.


Component_items table has editable fields "title", "category", "position", "tab", "description", "size", "lock", "thumbnail"

  • "category" determines the URL where the item is shown.

  • Items are shown in ascending order of "position" from top left to right.

  • If "tab" value is 2 or more(up to 10), the item has tab. You can edit title and text of each tab.

  • Items show the text which you set in "description".

  • "size" specifies the size of items. The max value is 11 and if the sum of size values of items on a same line exceeds 11, item is displayed on on the next line.

  • If you afraid of removing items in mistake, by setting "lock" true, you can make the delete button hidden.

  • By entering the image file's name in image table into "thumbnail", you can show the image at the beggining of the description easily.

The unit of the size of item is a size obtained by dividing your window size horizontally into 12 parts,

and displayed size of items change dynamically when you change the size of the window.

1/12 is used for the margin between items, thus the upper limit of size is 11.

Customizing design

If you want to custom the design of PhoenixCMS in more detail,

you can edit css files in home_page_local/assets/css.

Note: the changes of css file are not reflected while running in prod mode. So, after change them, run the phoenix server in dev mode once.

In more detail

Please rewrite html.eex files in home_page_dev/lib/home_page_web/templates.


Erlang/OTP v21

Elixir v1.8.1

Phoenix v1.3.2

MySQL v5.7.24

How To Deploy

At first,

git clone
cd PhoenixCMS/home_page_local
mix deps.get
mix compile


mix guardian.gen.secret

The output is <guardian_secret_key>,used for password authentication.


mix phx.gen.secret

The output is <secret_key_base>.

Set following environment variables.(This project uses MySQL for DB.)

  • HOME_PAGE_GUARDIAN_KEY=<guardian_secret_key>

  • SECRET_KEY_BASE=<secret_key_base>

  • DATABASE_PASS=<your database password>

  • DATABASE_HOSTNAME=<your database hostname>

  • DATABASE_NAME=<your database name>

  • HOME_PAGE_CONTENTS=<absolute path to home_page_local/priv/static/contents/>

  • HOME_PAGE_STATIC=<absolute path to home_page_local/priv/static/>

  • HOME_PAGE_UPLOADED=<absolute path to homepage_local/priv/static/images/uploaded/>

  • HOME_PAGE_DIR=<absolute path to home_page_local/>

  • HOME_PAGE_URL=http<or https>://www.<your domain name(if running on the local server, "localhost:4000")>

Make gmail account for using when you forget your password, and

  • HOME_PAGE_MAIL_PASS=<your gmail account's password>

  • HOME_PAGE_MAIL_USER_NAME=<your gmail address>

After this, write your DB user name directly in dev.exs or prod.exs,please.

Finally,execute following codes to run the application.

export PORT=4000
MIX_ENV=prod<or dev> mix ecto.create
MIX_ENV=prod<or dev> mix ecto.migrate
MIX_ENV=prod<or dev> mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
MIX_ENV=prod<or dev> mix phx.server

If you are running on the local server, go http://localhost:4000 and can see.


CMS made by elixir + phoenix on AWS







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