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This project helps people search for and apply for jobs more easily

Running the Scripts


First need to be on a Mac computer for the code in ./apple to work.

Need to open Safari and turn on developer mode then additional setting to allow JavaScript to be injected via the AppleScript code.

  • Open Safari -> Preferences ⌘,

Safari Open Settings

  • Turn on developer mode in advanced options:
    • Near the bottom: Show features for web developers

Safari Open Advaced Settings

  • Allow Apple Scripts to run Safari and inject JavaScript
    • Open the Developer tab.
    • Automation section (near the top):
      • Allow Remote Automation
      • Allow JavaScript from Apple Events

Safari Open Developer Settings

  • Use the Apple Script Editor to open ./apple/PublicAmazonJobs.scpt
    • Click the Show or Hide Logs button near the bottom. It is a Menu icon.
    • Click Messages to see the output logs while it is running.
    • Click the Play / Run Button near the top.

Script Editor with PublicAmazonJobs.scpt

  • Prompts will be displayed to help. Country isn't optional but all other feilds are.

  • Note: can edit InternetSpeedWaitTime from 2 to other numbers for slower or longer wait times depending on internet speed.


Results from running the apple script code is in ./apple/results/amazon-job-search-results-<data>.txt

All of the data from each details page will be in the text file to make it easier to find jobs that you like rather than looking through each one individually. Making it easier to apply to multiple jobs at the same time.

Windows / Linux / Universal

Need to have node installed. Recommend install NVM to begin with.

Install Requirements

nvm install v20.11.1

yarn install or npm install

Running script

yarn amazon_search or node ./javascript/src/amazon_prompts.mjs


  • Bad CPU type in executable: '/Users/tmosest/Library/Application Support/pyppeteer/local-chromium/1181205/chrome-mac/'
    • MAC: softwareupdate --install-rosetta


  • Create application script
  • Allow users to search by years of experience by asking a range.
  • Help users to auto apply
  • Create a map of regions / states to cities so the search isn't over populated
  • Ask users how slow their internet is and then update the wait parameter from there.
  • Allow users to submit resume and have it scan for experience and auto upload to application like my referral code.



This project helps people search for and apply for jobs more easily







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