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Coding Practice

This a repository for practicing various algorithm implementations, with a focus on machine learning

Neural Network - Handwritten Number Recognition

Also known as Multiclass Logistic Regression optimized via Gradient Descent
Implemented in Python from scratch without using any ML libraries
Three layers: 400/25/10 nodes with sigmoid activations, 94% accuracy

Support Vector Machine

Optimal Margin Classifier + Kernel Trick = Support Vector Machine
Also known as L1 Norm Soft Margin Support Vector Machine
Shown are scans of decision boundaries for different choices of regularization (C) and scale (λ)

Logistic Regression

2D feature vectors mapped to 6th order polynomials
Shown with different values of regularization parameter λ (over/under fit)

Linear decision boundary - no feature mapping

Clustering Algorithms (unsupervised learning)

K-Means (implemented in C++)

Mean Shift (implemented in C++)

Gradient Descent

Python implementations of Batch Gradient Descent along with cost function

maze solver

Python implementation to find the minimum number of steps to complete a maze
Part of the Google FooBar challange

Other projects and algorithm implementations


code to generate fake datasets

  • normal distributions
  • gaussian jitter along a line

bitwise operations

c++ examples of functions executing bitwise operations

  • logical operators
  • right/left shift div/mult by 2
  • & 1 for odd/even
  • XOR find singly-occurring element in array


c++ examples of recursive fucntions

  • write number in binary
  • calculate compound interest minus a commission after some set time
  • count up and down from min to max
  • calculate factorial
  • find the maximum number in an array
  • sort an array from min to max (selection sort)
  • find the sum of all numbers between a and b


python examples of sorting algorithms

  • quicksort
  • bubblesort
  • mergesort

hash sets

python implementation of a hash set, then using the hash set to solve a few problems


  • binary tree, breadth first search, depth first search (pre/post/in order)
  • binary search tree

Project Euler

Solutions to questions from

  1. Sum of multiples of 3 or 5 < 1k :: 233168
  2. Sum of even Fibinocci numbers < 4M :: 4613732
  3. Largest prime factor of 600851475143 :: 6857
  4. Largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers: 913 x 993 = 906609
  5. Smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20 :: 232792560
  • It has a prime factorization of [1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 2, 3, 11, 13, 2, 17, 19]
  1. Difference between the sum of the squares of the first one hundred natural numbers and the square of the sum :: 25164150
  2. The 10001st prime number :: 104743
  3. Given a 1000-digit number, find the group of 14 sequential numbers with largest product :: 23514624000
  4. There exists exactly one Pythagorean triplet for which a + b + c = 1000. Find the product abc. :: 200 x 375 x 425 = 31875000
  5. Sum of all primes less than 2M :: 142913828922


Find all unique combinations of 4 numbers in an array which add to a given target


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