What's Changed
[Release] Release 0.0.12 by GitHub Actions [0e9f98dadd7e915 ]
[System-X] Auto-update system-x-all by Andrej Vano [50827608646502f ]
Create TNB jbang script by Martin Muzikar [8925a6744dc6a6d ]
Add system-x-all artifact to pull all system-x services by Martin Muzikar [003c7a4e75769a5 ]
Add support for CK global operator by Jan Bouska [64a7aed91cda431 ]
CK native is not supported yet - delete high memory consumption resources by bouskaJ [c05590f9902be90 ]
[Saga] Fix duplicate dependency on quarkus by Andrej Vano [92e2e6afa8da4be ]
[Testcontainers] Fix issues when running container on a different host by Andrej Vano [9b333e7b12bf6e9 ]
✨ Add property for Maven extra args by Marco Carletti [70e8773210a7254 ]
[Accounts] Remove unnecessary account overrides by Andrej Vano [a07cfa3934e4560 ]
[Kafka] Fix exceptions raised when timeout occurs on deploy by Andrej Vano [a36a17d026d8bff ]
[Quarkus] Migrate to jakarta for Quarkus 3 by Andrej Vano [6dd6e21ed651c1a ]
🐛 Fix LRA url on OCP by Marco Carletti [cef8676237b2701 ]
[closes #433 ] Replace Service interface with an abstract class by Andrej Vano [59a809cb4e8a1a6 ]
[relates #437 ] Apply default config in all cases by Andrej Vano [81a460bfe72777d ]
Remove RHOSAK related code by Andrej Smigala [5438df3724e9c3f ]
[closes #437 ] Add defaultConfiguration method to customizable service by Andrej Vano [8cf375b2728c2b6 ]
[closes #452 ] Add breaking changes to changelog by Andrej Vano [cddc3f78fd555b6 ]
Dependency updates
Bump google-auth-library-oauth2-http from 1.16.0 to 1.17.0 by dependabot[bot] [1971c15e0bb6da9 ]
Bump microsoft-graph from 5.57.0 to 5.58.0 by dependabot[bot] [babc0c6cf5a41a5 ]
Bump maven-source-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0 by dependabot[bot] [34a3db232c8010d ]
Bump core from 0.29 to 0.30 by dependabot[bot] [c61ca23d5ebc041 ]
Bump azure-messaging-servicebus from 7.13.3 to 7.14.0 by dependabot[bot] [f0ed2b0f6bcf63d ]
Bump commons-io from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0 by dependabot[bot] [347590fdf1dbcc7 ]
Bump google-api-services-gmail by dependabot[bot] [cb67030c518fd2f ]
Bump google-cloud-bigquery from 2.25.0 to 2.26.1 by dependabot[bot] [c194ddebb2819e7 ]
[IBMMQ] Bump version to by Andrej Vano [171ffa2ea5cf3c1 ]
Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 2.22.2 to 3.1.0 by dependabot[bot] [4272e56e6eb4599 ]
Bump google-cloud-bigquery from 2.24.0 to 2.25.0 by dependabot[bot] [95455a759e2d56a ]
Bump google-api-services-gmail by dependabot[bot] [71dd1a7ae185ce0 ]
Bump google-cloud-functions from 2.17.0 to 2.19.0 by dependabot[bot] [7298ec8731165bb ]
Bump microsoft-graph from 5.55.0 to 5.57.0 by dependabot[bot] [3dbfdc52d829b95 ]
Bump azure-identity from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 by dependabot[bot] [62455c925630c50 ]
Bump azure-core from 1.38.0 to 1.39.0 by dependabot[bot] [0c1143f084697c4 ]
Bump openapi-generator-maven-plugin from 6.5.0 to 6.6.0 by dependabot[bot] [d8d58e30bcb2855 ]
Bump maven-gpg-plugin from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 by dependabot[bot] [222fedf9e46ef1d ]
Bump microsoft-graph from 5.53.0 to 5.55.0 by dependabot[bot] [b4f4bbf352e07b1 ]
Bump git-changelog-maven-plugin from 1.96.0 to 1.97.0 by dependabot[bot] [9f3d405b49dec05 ]
[Quarkus] Bump default values for quarkus + camel quarkus by Andrej Vano [e271dc7ccac4a35 ]
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