;::::; :; ________________________________
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;:::::; ;. \_| Hello Skidies! Welcome to my |
,:::::' ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ; OOO | new panel |
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[ ! ] Please Don't Attack Gonvernment websites without the owners consent [ ! ]
- 🗒️ | Tool has L4/L7/AA: [ 20 ] Methods
- 🌟 | SpamSMS included
- 👀 | Tools: IP Lookup
- ⚡ | Attack: You should by a VPS or paid multiple IDE for better attack
- 🔐 | Privacy: Take your own risk when starting DDOS XD
- 🗓️ | Project started since 2020
- 🔗 | Support: Join now, Discord
- ⛏️ | Environment: Javascript, Python, Golang, Perl
Setup Error visit our Discord
Clone and Install Script
git clone https://github.com/D4XG/terrorist.git
cd terrorist-main
python setup.py
python terrorist.py
Account / Password can be change in terrorist.py
Account: DAXG
Password: dsc.gg/daxg
Setup process may took up to 5 minutes depend on your Network BE PATIENT
Use 'update' in panel to update to the lastest version!