A Vagrant plugin assigns the public IP of the instance which vagrant-aws provider created to a specific Route 53 record set.
- initial
vagrant up
vagrant up
the halted instance.
vagrant halt
vagrant destroy
- creates another hosted zone or record set.
- destroys hosted zone or record set.
- vagrant-aws
$ vagrant install vagrant-aws-route53
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.vm.box = 'dummy'
config.ssh.username = 'oogatta'
config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
aws.ami = 'ami'
aws.access_key_id = 'key_id'
aws.secret_access_key = 'secret_key'
aws.region = 'ap-northeast-1'
aws.instance_type = 't2.medium'
override.route53.hosted_zone_id = 'Z1JUXXXXXXXXXX'
override.route53.record_set = %w(test.oogatta.com. A)