Interactive demonstrator of eigenvectors and singular vectors for Julia
Install Julia. Version 1.7 or greater is recommended.
Start Julia and enter the command
]add EigenShow
It may take a few minutes to download and install the necessary packages.
Enter the commands
using EigenShow eigenshow()
command is needed only once per Julia session.) After 20 seconds or so, a new window should open with the demonstrator. It runs independently and can simply be closed when you are done with it.
In EVD mode. Initially you see a vector
In SVD mode. As you move the mouse, a perpendicular pair of vectors
In either mode, you can click the mouse button to mark a point for future reference.
This function is inspired by EIGSHOW.M, which is held in copyright by The MathWorks, Inc and found at: Cleve Moler (2021), Cleve_Lab, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved October 25, 2021.