While the project's lit repo is a place for strictly representing historical mathematics as originally published, the present repo -- called "Ex" for short -- is a place to provide enrichments.
Specifically, as the title suggests, this library is exclusively for expansions and example explorers. An expansion is a Proofscape deduction that fills in missing steps, to help readers span the inferential leaps taken in published proofs. Example explorers are Proofscape annotations that present interactive displays where users can generate numerical examples of the types of objects in play at given steps in proofs.
Contributions are made by forking this repository, adding or improving modules, and making a pull request. Please be sure to read CONTRIBUTING.md.
Proofscape modules can be developed using PISE, the Proofscape Integrated Study Environment.
The library is licensed under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0 (MPL-2.0).