Robot remote control program with Vive/Oculus
This package depends on these branches below:
For PR2 and Baxter
For Baxter only
- Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic
- NVidia driver:
- OpenVR:
- Steam VR:
- NVidia driver:
- Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS Melodic
- NVidia driver:
- OpenVR:
- Steam VR:
- NVidia driver:
- Vive
- Arm motion tracking
- Controller button interface
- HMD visual interface
- Vibration interface
- Sound interface
- Oculus
- Arm motion tracking
- Controller button interface
- HMD visual interface
- Vibration interface
- Sound interface
sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
# for melodic, run command below
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390
# for kinetic, install cuda-9.2 deb (local) manually and run command below.
sudo apt install nvidia-396
Follow here
sudo cp udev/99-kodak.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
mkdir ~/jsk_apc_ws/src -p
cd ~/jsk_apc_ws/src
wstool init .${ROS_DISTRO}
wstool up
rosdep install -y -r --from-paths .
cd ~/jsk_apc_ws
catkin config
catkin build
source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
mkdir ~/vive_ws/src -p
cd ~/vive_ws/src
wstool init .
# Only for baxter users
# wstool merge
# wstool merge$ROS_DISTRO
wstool up
rosdep install --ignore-src --from-path . -y -r -i
# Only for baxter users
# source ~/jsk_apc_ws/devel/setup.bash
cd ~/vive_ws
catkin config
catkin build
- Connect Vive HMD and Lighthouse and power on the controller.
- Place Lighthouse B in front of you.
- Start one of launch files below.
- If you don't use HMD, press
button and do arm calibration. - Press
button in GUI to start teleoperation.
The arm calibration is required for no HMD mode in order to measure your position and your arm length.
- Press
Calibrate l/rarm
button in GUI - Listen to the voice instruction.
- Stretch your left/right arm and Press Trigger after the first instruction.
- Listen to the voice instruction again.
- Fold your left/right arm and Press Trigger after the second instruction.
- If calibration failed, please try again.
rossetmaster pr1040
# HMD mode
roslaunch eus_vive pr1040_vive.launch
# No HMD mode
roslaunch eus_vive pr1040_vive.launch head:=false
rossetmaster pr1012
# HMD mode
roslaunch eus_vive pr1012_vive.launch
# No HMD mode
roslaunch eus_vive pr1012_vive.launch head:=false
roslaunch eus_vive pr2_vive_gazebo.launch
rossetmaster baxter
# HMD mode
roslaunch eus_vive baxter_vive.launch
# No HMD mode
roslaunch eus_vive baxter_vive.launch head:=false
roslaunch baxter_gazebo baxter_world.launch
roslaunch eus_vive vive.launch
roslaunch eus_vive baxter_vive_gazebo.launch
rossetmaster baxter
roslaunch eus_vive baxter_moveit.launch
rossetmaster baxter
roslaunch eus_vive baxter_vive_mirror.launch
rossetmaster baxter
roslaunch eus_vive baxter_remote.launch
rossetmaster baxter
roslaunch eus_vive baxter_vive_remote.launch
rossetmaster baxter
roslaunch eus_vive baxter_display_remote.launch
Button | Usage |
1 / Menu | Control toggle: base/arm (Default: base) |
3 / Stream Menu | Steam Menu |
8 / Grip | Not used |
You can enable arm mode of right and left arm separately.
Command | Usage |
7 / Trigger | Gripper toggle: open/close in Toggle grasp mode (Default: open) |
7 / Trigger | Gripper toggle: open only when trigger is pressed in Hold grasp mode |
Controller pose | robot end effector's pose |
Base mode is enabled when both arms are disabled in Arm mode.
Command | Usage |
2 / Trackpad | Torso control: right: down / left: up |
2 / Trackpad + 7 / Trigger (right) | Safe base control: right: x, y / left: w |
2 / Trackpad + 7 / Trigger (right + left) | Unsafe base control: right: x, y / left: w |
Button | Usage |
2 / Trackpad | Control toggle: stop / arm (Default: stop) |
3 / Stream Menu | Steam Menu |
8 / Grip | Not used |
You can enable arm mode of right and left arm separately.
Command | Usage |
7 / Trigger | Gripper toggle: open/close (Default: open) |
Controller pose | robot end effector's pose |
Button | Usage |
Reset | Diable and reset robot to initial posture |
Enable | Enable robot |
Disable | Disable robot |
Calibrate larm/rarm | Calibrate with left/right arm |
Button | Usage |
Reset larm/rarm | Reset only left/right arm |
Enable larm/rarm | Enable only left/right arm |
Disable larm/rarm | Disable only left/right arm |
Start grasp lgripper/rgripper | Start grasp only left/right gripper |
Stop grasp lgripper/rgripper | Stop grasp only left/right gripper |
Toggle grasp mode | Change to Toggle grasp mode |
Hold grasp mode | Change to Hold grasp mode |
Open Field Service Menu and change network configuration
sudo apt install libgcrypt20-dev libgnutls28-dev
git clone
cd vpnc
git checkout 1cf24ed6aa4a04b4b01cc9ebfacbad723eed04f5
sudo make install
cd ..
git clone git://
cd vpnc-scripts
sudo cp vpnc-script /etc/vpnc
sudo vpnc --local-port 0 --gateway <gateway> --id ipsecvpn --username <username> --pfs dh5 --dh dh5 --auth-mode psk --no-detach --vendor fortigate --dh dh5