"these aren't the droids you're looking for"
redis/search clojure client based on jedis.
- connect
- work with data structures
- run commands in a pipeline
- redis search
- new redis commands
- documentation
- development
- license
by default Obi Wan relies on JedisPooled to connect to a cluster which means once the pool is created you'd have a collection of connections to work with.
Let's try it out:
=> (require '[obiwan.core :as redis])
;; by default would connect to a local redis with a 42 thread connection pool
=> (def conn (redis/connect))
=> (redis/pool-stats conn)
;; {:active-resources 0,
;; :number-of-waiters 0,
;; :idle-resources 0}
in order to connect to a different host, port, with a different number of threads, password, etc. connect
takes a config:
=> (def conn (redis/connect {:nodes [{:host "dotkam.com"
:port 4242}]
:connection-timeout 42000
:pool-size 4
:ssl? true
:database-index 42
:username "mando"
:password "|th1s is the w@y|"}))
;; #'user/conn
by default the config map is:
;; {:nodes [{:host "" :port 6379}]
;; :to :default ;; also supports ":cluster" & ":sentinel"
;; :max-attempts JedisCluster/DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS ;; 5 attempts to aquire the connection | execute a command
;; :connection-timeout Protocol/DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ;; 2 seconds as per Jedis' protocol
;; :socket-timeout Protocol/DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ;; 2 seconds as per Jedis' protocol
;; :database-index Protocol/DEFAULT_DATABASE ;; 0 as per Jedis' protocol
;; :ssl? false
;; :client-name "kenobi"
;; :pool-size 42
;; :pool-max-wait 30000
;; :pool-max-idle 8}
disconnect from Redis:
=> (redis/disconnect conn)
;; :disconnected-from-redis
in order to connect to Redis Sentinel a few things need to be provided to obiwan:
key in params should say:sentinel
since Redis client does "SENTINEL get-master-addr-by-name [master-name]" to lookup a master node:nodes
in a form of a collection of{:host :port}
(def conn (redis/connect {:to :sentinel
:master-name "yoda"
:nodes [{:host "" :port 6379}
{:host "" :port 6380}]}))
in order to connect to a Redis Cluster a few things need to be provided to obiwan:
key in params should say:cluster
in a form of a collection of{:host :port}
(def conn (redis/connect {:to :cluster
:nodes [{:host "" :port 6379}
{:host "" :port 6380}]}))
the super power of redis is in its data structures.
here are examples on how to work with some of them:
=> (redis/hset conn "solar-system" {"mercury" "0.33 x 10^24 kg"
"venus" "4.867 x 10^24 kg"
"earth" "5.972 x 10^24 kg"
"mars" "0.65 x 10^24 kg"
"jupiter" "1900 x 10^24 kg"
"saturn" "570 x 10^24 kg"
"uranus" "87 x 10^24 kg"
"neptune" "100 x 10^24 kg"
"pluto" "1.3 × 10^22 kg"})
;; "OK"
=> (redis/hmget conn "solar-system" ["earth" "mars"])
;; ["5.972 x 10^24 kg" "0.65 x 10^24 kg"]
=> (redis/hgetall conn "solar-system")
;; {"earth" "5.972 x 10^24 kg",
;; "saturn" "570 x 10^24 kg",
;; "jupiter" "1900 x 10^24 kg",
;; "pluto" "1.3 × 10^22 kg",
;; "uranus" "87 x 10^24 kg",
;; "mercury" "0.33 x 10^24 kg",
;; "neptune" "100 x 10^24 kg",
;; "mars" "0.65 x 10^24 kg",
;; "venus" "4.867 x 10^24 kg"}
=> (redis/zadd conn "planets" {"mercury" 1.0
"venus" 2.0
"earth" 3.0
"mars" 4.0
"jupiter" 5.0
"saturn" 6.0
"uranus" 7.0
"neptune" 8.0
"pluto" 9.0})
;; 9
=> (redis/zrange conn "planets" 3 7)
;; ["mars" "jupiter" "saturn" "uranus" "neptune"]
=> (redis/zrange conn "planets" 0 -1)
;; ["mercury" "venus" "earth" "mars" "jupiter" "saturn" "uranus" "neptune" "pluto"]
looking inside the source (redis server):> keys *
1) "planets"
2) "solar-system"> hgetall "solar-system"
1) "mars"
2) "0.65 x 10^24 kg"
3) "pluto"
4) "1.3 \xc3\x97 10^22 kg"
5) "jupiter"
6) "1900 x 10^24 kg"
7) "uranus"
8) "87 x 10^24 kg"
9) "earth"
10) "5.972 x 10^24 kg"
11) "mercury"
12) "0.33 x 10^24 kg"
13) "venus"
14) "4.867 x 10^24 kg"
15) "saturn"
16) "570 x 10^24 kg"
17) "neptune"
18) "100 x 10^24 kg"> zrange planets 0 -1
1) "mercury"
2) "venus"
3) "earth"
4) "mars"
5) "jupiter"
6) "saturn"
7) "uranus"
8) "neptune"
9) "pluto">
take a look at tests to see how other commands data structures are used
redis supports pipelining to speed up client queries.
in order to run queries in a pipeline we can create a set of commands at runtime:
👉 pipeline commands need to use underlined Jedis Java functions (e.g.
, etc.)
the reason for that is that Jedis pipeline wraps command responses into Jedis "Response" objects
that need to be unwrapped differently:
=> (def commands [#(.hset % "numbers" {"1" "one" "2" "two" "3" "three"})
#(.hset % "letters" {"a" "ey" "b" "bee" "c" "cee"})
#(.hgetAll % "numbers")
#(.hgetAll % "letters")])
;; #'dev/commands
notice we did not pass a redis connection explicitly, but just created a few command functions
which can now be run in a single pipeline on a redis server:
=> (redis/pipeline conn commands)
;; [3
;; 3
;; {"1" "one", "2" "two", "3" "three"}
;; {"a" "ey", "b" "bee", "c" "cee"}]
redis comes with several great modules.
redis search adds querying, secondary indexing, full text, geo search, etc.. it's pretty great.
Obi Wan does not depend on anything but Jedis proper and follows the redis search command reference to implement the redis search module functionality.
in order to play with redis search, or other redis modules, make sure they are installed and run them with your redis server.
and embrace the force of redis search:
=> (require '[obiwan.core :as redis]
'[obiwan.search.core :as search])
=> (def conn (redis/create-pool))
check out search tests to refer to all the search/aggregate/suggest/etc. examples below + more
in order to let redis know it needs to start building a search index based on certain key prefix(es) this search index needs to be created:
=> (search/ft-create conn "solar-system"
{:prefix ["solar:planet:" "solar:planet:moon:"]
:schema [#:text{:name "nick" :sortable? true}
#:text{:name "age" :no-index? true}
#:numeric{:name "mass" :sortable? true}]})
a couple things to note:
- for the index "schema" a namespaced key map is used and validated against existing field types redis search supports
- the whole index definition and schema is a single map that can be kept in configuration or/and sent over the network
here is the full spec of the redis search native FT.CREATE command.
in order to search the index we'll first add a few documents with key prefixes matching the index prefixes:
=> (redis/hset conn "solar:planet:earth" {"nick" "the blue planet"
"age" "4.543 billion years"
"mass" "5974000000000000000000000"})
=> (redis/hset conn "solar:planet:mars" {"nick" "the red planet"
"age" "4.603 billion years"
"mass" "639000000000000000000000"})
=> (redis/hset conn "solar:planet:pluto" {"nick" "tombaugh regio"
"age" "4.5 billion years"
"mass" "13090000000000000000000"})
=> (redis/hset conn "solar:planet:moon:charon" {"planet" "pluto"
"nick" "char"
"age" "4.5 billion years"
"mass" "1586000000000000000000"})
and.. we'll use ft-search
function to search:
(search/ft-search conn "solar-system"
;; {:found 2,
;; :results
;; [{"solar:planet:mars"
;; {"age" "4.603 billion years",
;; "nick" "the red planet",
;; "mass" "639000000000000000000000"}}
;; {"solar:planet:pluto"
;; {"age" "4.5 billion years",
;; "nick" "tombaugh regio",
;; "mass" "13090000000000000000000"}}]}
Morpheus: "blue OR red?"
Neo: "both"
=> (search/ft-search conn "solar-system"
"blue | red")
;; {:found 2,
;; :results
;; [{"solar:planet:earth"
;; {"age" "4.543 billion years",
;; "nick" "the blue planet",
;; "mass" "5974000000000000000000000"}}
;; {"solar:planet:mars"
;; {"age" "4.603 billion years",
;; "nick" "the red planet",
;; "mass" "639000000000000000000000"}}]}
check out the full spec of the redis search native FT.SEARCH command.
also a very helpful query syntax reference in the redis search docs.
as per spec more search params may be passed after the query:
=> (search/ft-search conn "solar-system" "red | blue"
[{:sort {:by {"mass" :asc}}}])
;; {:found 2,
;; :results
;; [{"solar:planet:mars"
;; {"age" "4.603 billion years",
;; "nick" "the red planet",
;; "mass" "639000000000000000000000"}}
;; {"solar:planet:earth"
;; {"age" "4.543 billion years",
;; "nick" "the blue planet",
;; "mass" "5974000000000000000000000"}}]}
=> (search/ft-search conn "solar-system" "*"
[{:sort {:by {"mass" :desc}}}
{:limit {:offset 1 :number 3}}])
;; {:found 4, ;; but showing 3 due to the limit
;; :results
;; [{"solar:planet:mars"
;; {"age" "4.603 billion years",
;; "nick" "the red planet",
;; "mass" "639000000000000000000000"}}
;; {"solar:planet:pluto"
;; {"age" "4.5 billion years",
;; "nick" "tombaugh regio",
;; "mass" "13090000000000000000000"}}
;; {"solar:planet:moon:charon"
;; {"age" "4.5 billion years",
;; "planet" "pluto",
;; "nick" "char",
;; "mass" "1586000000000000000000"}}]}
redis searh relies on FT.AGGREGATE command to aggregate search query results directly on a redis server.
as per FT.AGGREGATE command's spec several aggreation options (group by, sort by, apply, filter, limit) may repeat many times over in the same aggregate. moreover their position matters: "apply a function => group-by => apply a different function".
therefore Obi Wan relies on a vector of these options rather than just on a map.
in order to see some examples, let's create a new search index with website visits:
=> (search/ft-create conn "website-visits"
{:prefix ["stats:visit:"]
:schema [#:text{:name "url" :sortable? true}
#:numeric{:name "timestamp" :sortable? true}
#:tag{:name "country" :sortable? true}
#:text{:name "user_id" :sortable? true :no-index? true}]})
;; "OK"
a couple things to note (same as when we looked at FT.SEARCH above):
- for the index "schema" a namespaced key map is used and validated against existing field types redis search supports
- the whole index definition and schema is a single map that can be kept in configuration or/and sent over the network
and let's add some documents/visits to populate this index with data:
=> (def visits
[{"url" "/2008/11/19/zx-spectrum-child/"
"timestamp" "1631965013"
"country" "Ukraine"
"user_id" "tolitius"}
{"url" "/2017/01/10/hubble-space-mission-securely-configured/"
"timestamp" "1631963013"
"country" "China"
"user_id" "hashcn"}
{"url" "/2013/10/29/s1631982013728cala-where-ingenuity-lies/"
"timestamp" "1631964013"
"country" "USA"
"user_id" "unclejohn"}
{"url" "/2013/10/22/l1631982013728imited-async/"
"timestamp" "1631965013"
"country" "USA"
"user_id" "tolitius"}
{"url" "/2013/05/31/d1631982013728atomic-can-simple-be-also-fast/"
"timestamp" "1631967013"
"country" "Ukraine"
"user_id" "vvz"}
{"url" "/2012/05/08/s1631982013728cala-fun-with-canbuildfrom/"
"timestamp" "1631968013"
"country" "USA"
"user_id" "tolitius"}
{"url" "/2017/04/09/h1631982013728azelcast-keep-your-cluster-close-but-cache-closer/"
"timestamp" "1631961014"
"country" "China"
"user_id" "bruce"}])
;; #'dev/visits
=> (map-indexed (fn [idx visit]
(redis/hset conn
(str "stats:visit:dotkam.com:" idx)
;; (4 4 4 4 4 4 4)
no we are ready for them tasty aggregations:
first let's group users by country, counting only distinct/unique users:
=> (search/ft-aggregate conn "website-visits" "*" [{:apply {:expr "upper(@country)"
:as "country"}}
{:group {:by ["@country"]
:reduce [{:fn "COUNT_DISTINCT"
:fields ["@user_id"]
:as "num_users"}]}}])
;; {:found 3,
;; :results
;; [{"country" "USA", "num_users" "2"}
;; {"country" "CHINA", "num_users" "2"}
;; {"country" "UKRAINE", "num_users" "2"}]}
is used here before group by to apply a function to every country before groupping to avoid casing problems, but really to illustrate how to stack options together as an ordered vector of maps.
here we'll use 2 applies before and after the group by to group unique website visitors per "hour":
=> (search/ft-aggregate conn "website-visits" "*" [{:apply {:expr "@timestamp - (@timestamp % 3600)"
:as "hour"}}
{:group {:by ["@hour"]
:reduce [{:fn "COUNT_DISTINCT"
:fields ["@user_id"]
:as "num_users"}]}}
{:apply {:expr "timefmt(@hour)"
:as "datetime"}}])
;; {:found 3,
;; :results
;; [{"num_users" "3",
;; "hour" "1631962800",
;; "datetime" "2021-09-18T11:00:00Z"} ;; 11:00
;; {"num_users" "1",
;; "hour" "1631959200",
;; "datetime" "2021-09-18T10:00:00Z"} ;; 10:00
;; {"num_users" "2",
;; "hour" "1631966400",
;; "datetime" "2021-09-18T12:00:00Z"}]} ;; 12:00
above example can be improved by sorting groups by time (the hour):
=> (search/ft-aggregate conn "website-visits" "*" [{:apply {:expr "@timestamp - (@timestamp % 3600)"
:as "hour"}}
{:group {:by ["@hour"]
:reduce [{:fn "COUNT_DISTINCT"
:fields ["@user_id"]
:as "num_users"}]}}
{:sort {:by {"@hour" :desc}}}
{:apply {:expr "timefmt(@hour)"
:as "datetime"}}])
;; {:found 3,
;; :results
;; [{"num_users" "2",
;; "hour" "1631966400",
;; "datetime" "2021-09-18T12:00:00Z"} ;; 12:00
;; {"num_users" "3",
;; "hour" "1631962800",
;; "datetime" "2021-09-18T11:00:00Z"} ;; 11:00
;; {"num_users" "1",
;; "hour" "1631959200",
;; "datetime" "2021-09-18T10:00:00Z"}]} ;; 10:00
redis search has 4 commands to work with suggestions (a.k.a. autocomplete):
- FT.SUGADD adds a suggestion string to an auto-complete suggestion dictionary
- FT.SUGGET gets completion suggestions for a prefix
- FT.SUGDEL deletes a string from a suggestion index
- FT.SUGLEN gets the size of an auto-complete suggestion dictionary
one difference from a search index is that these suggestions are left to the user to maintain: i.e. add and remove
let's add a few suggestions and then try to search (or "get") them:
=> (search/ft-sugadd conn "songs" "Don't Stop Me Now" 1 {:payload "Queen"})
(search/ft-sugadd conn "songs" "Rock You Like A Hurricane" 1 {:payload "Scorpions"})
(search/ft-sugadd conn "songs" "Fortunate Son" 1 {:payload "Creedence Clearwater Revival"})
(search/ft-sugadd conn "songs" "Thunderstruck" 1 {:payload "AC/DC"})
(search/ft-sugadd conn "songs" "All Along the Watchtower" 1 {:payload "Jimmy"})
(search/ft-sugadd conn "songs" "Enter Sandman" 1 {:payload "Metallica"})
(search/ft-sugadd conn "songs" "Free Bird" 1 {:payload "Lynyrd Skynyrd"})
(search/ft-sugadd conn "songs" "Immigrant Song" 1 {:payload "Led Zeppelin"})
(search/ft-sugadd conn "songs" "Smells Like Teen Spirit" 1 {:payload "Nirvana"})
(search/ft-sugadd conn "songs" "Purple Haze" 1 {:payload "Jimmy"})
following the redis command spec, besides a redis connection pool,
at a minimum ft-sugadd
: the suggestion dictionary keystring
: the suggestion string we indexscore
: a floating point number of the suggestion string's weight
and will take optional args:
: if true, we increment the existing entry of the suggestion by the given score, instead of replacing the score. This is useful for updating the dictionary based on user queries in real timepayload value
: If set, we save an extra payload with the suggestion, that can be fetched by adding the WITHPAYLOADS argument to FT.SUGGET
now let's search through the suggestions:
=> (search/ft-sugget conn "songs" "don")
;; [{:suggestion "Don't Stop Me Now"}]
by the spec ft-get
optinally also takes:
: if true, we do a fuzzy prefix search, including prefixes at Levenshtein distance of 1 from the prefix sentmax
num : if set, we limit the results to a maximum of num (default: 5).with-scores?
: if true, we also return the score of each suggestion. this can be used to merge results from multiple instanceswith-payloads?
: if true, we return optional payloads saved along with the suggestions.
let's try them all together:
=> (search/ft-sugget conn "songs" "mm" {:fuzzy? true
:with-payloads? true
:with-scores? true
:max 42})
;; [{:suggestion "Immigrant Song",
;; :score "0.037535253912210464",
;; :payload "Led Zeppelin"}
;; {:suggestion "Smells Like Teen Spirit", ;; Levenshtein distance of 1 "mm" => "m"
;; :score "0.028853578492999077",
;; :payload "Nirvana"}]
suggestions can be deleted with ft-sugdel
=> (search/ft-sugdel conn "songs" "Fortunate Son")
;; 1
suggestions can be "measured" (how many suggestions live behind the key):
=> (search/ft-suglen conn "songs")
;; 9
to list search indices:
=> (search/ft-list conn)
;; #{"solar-system"}
to drop an index:
=> (search/ft-drop-index conn "solar-system")
;; "OK"
or to also delete indexed hashes:
=> (search/ft-drop-index conn "solar-system" {:dd? true})
;; "OK"
being a Jedi, Obi Wan knows the way of the force
even when "Jedis" is not yet upto date Obi Wan can run new Redis commands:
=> (redis/hello conn)
;; {"role" "master",
;; "server" "redis",
;; "modules" [{"name" "search",
;; "ver" 999999}],
;; "id" 23,
;; "mode" "standalone",
;; "version" "6.2.5",
;; "proto" 2}
redis command documentation can be added via dev/add-redis-docs
=> (doc redis/hget)
;; -------------------------
;; obiwan.core/hget
;; ([redis h f])
;; {:obiwan-doc takes in a jedis connection pool, a hash name and a field name
;; if present, returns a field name value}
=> (require '[dev :refer :all])
=> (add-redis-docs "obiwan.core")
=> (doc redis/hget)
;; -------------------------
;; obiwan.core/hget
;; ([redis h f])
;; {:obiwan-doc takes in a jedis connection pool, a hash name and a field name
;; if present, returns a field name value
;; :redis-doc {:since 2.0.0,
;; :group hash,
;; :arguments [{:name key, :type key}
;; {:name field, :type string}],
;; :complexity O(1),
;; :summary Get the value of a hash field}}
while Obi Wan does not require any particular version of clojure to run
since its build is done via tools.build
the minimum 1.10.3 clojure CLI is recommended.
to fire up a development REPL:
make repl
this is usefult to experiment with various redis commands to see what they return, how to parse the responses as well as an ability to run any redis commands that may not be yet supported / wrapped in a clojure function.
=> (require '[obiwan.core :as redis]
'[obiwan.tools :as t])
=> (def conn (redis/create-pool))
=> (redis/say conn "DBSIZE")
;; 42
passing arguments:
=> (redis/say conn "COMMAND" {:args "COUNT"})
;; 264
parsing replies with :parse
=> (redis/say conn "PING" {:parse t/bytes->str})
;; "PONG"
=> (redis/say conn "ECHO" {:args "HAYA!"
:parse t/bytes->str})
;; "HAYA!"
=> (print (redis/say conn "INFO" {:parse t/bytes->str}))
;; # Server
;; redis_version:6.2.5
;; redis_git_sha1:00000000
;; redis_git_dirty:0
;; ...
;; # CPU
;; used_cpu_sys:84.315657
;; used_cpu_user:50.403381
;; ...
;; # Modules
;; module:name=search,ver=999999,api=1,filters=0,usedby=[],using=[],options=[]
$ make test
when running tests, make sure the embedded redis config matches your OS. as well as a path to redis server and redis modules.
Copyright © 2022 tolitius
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.