A file storage system for the BBC Micro. Make your PC do something useful for a change: have it act as a file server for your BBC.
No more swapping discs, no more noisy drives, no more 31 file limit, file access is very fast, and it's super-easy to share BBC files with your PC.
If you've got multiple BBCs, they can all connect at once.
I use this as the default filing system for my BBC Master and my BBC B, and will be improving it over time...
Pre-built files are available from the BeebLink releases page. GitHub should highlight the latest release that has files attached - use that one!
You'll need a PC running Windows, OS X or Linux. If using Windows or OS X, download the ROMs zip and the appropriate server zip; if using Linux, download the ROMs zip, and follow the building instructions.
You'll need a BBC B/B+/Master 128, ideally with some kind of EEPROM module or battery-backed write-protectable sideways RAM - it's no fun having to reload the ROM each time you power on, or have it zapped by careless programs!
You'll need a Tube USB serial adapter and FT232H module - see https://stardot.org.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=14849. (You'll need the full kit with the PLD.)
Connect the Tube serial board to the BBC's Tube connector, connect any second processor to the Tube serial board, use the jumper to select Comms mode, and connect the device to your PC. If using Windows, you'll need to tweak one of the device settings.
If you've got some way of getting files to your BBC already, copy
from the ROMs zip and load it on your BBC;
otherwise, use the bootstrap process, and get
the file that way.
See the filing system docs for some info about how to use it from the BBC side.
The server docs have some information about useful command line options, and a few notes about sharing files between BBC and PC.